The Mayors' Chat room

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities


    This trhead will be used for all Mayors to chat with each other and socialize, exchange ideas and opinions on every subject.

    Here you can talk freely without interruptions. very-excited-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Obviously, there will be some rules to follow, here they are:

    Please avoid: cool-no-smiley-emoticon.gif

    • References to alcohol, brands and violent acts;
    • Making Spam (posts followed by the same player);
    • Disrespecting the moderators and / or other players;
    • Remember that children are attending our forum, we are adults so we shoul know how to behave and talk;
    • The presence of moderators can be reduced to the strictly necessary in this thread;
    • We will not tolerate threats, inappropriate language, lack of education or aggression;
    • The use of languages other that English are not allowed .
    • Disrespecting the rules of the chat, showing disrespect for the company(Bigpoint), incitement to strike - all these acts are punishable with forum Banishment for a period to be determined depending on the offense.

    To the Moderating Team is saved the right to intervene and apply the necessary punitive sanctions whenever they think it is needed.

    We wish a lot of fun and lots of good conversation !!

    oie_OBmKNeFugIWe (2).png
    Pistonhead likes this.
  2. Hello fellow Mayors, over the past year i have not participated in the forum a great deal although i still play RC and visit every day.
    With the appointment of our new community manager over 6 months ago i like most of us were hoping that we would see some improvements in our game and with the introduction of the developers blog i was even more hopeful.
    now with the latest blog on the cineplex i am starting to wonder when something will improve, although i am now at level 75 there is till some way to go before the end of my time here.
    The developers certainly would know and understand what a great game this is so lets have some improvements to keep us interested for a few years or more to come

  3. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    First of all, thank you for begining a conversation here on this Chat, I hope it can bring some more opinions and participation.:)
    Secondly, I must agree with what you said and I hope to see some improvements too.;)
    Let's see what other opinions we can get on our chat.:)
  4. 99 days to count down to the start of the Summer Olympics, can we come up with some ideas for this event that the devs may like:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  5. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Sure, here is the correct place to exchange ideas:)
  6. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    Well I have a suggestion for big point. Rename Rising cities to Rising forums, because the only thing new around here are in the forums! (joking) hahaha, Miss me guys? Yeah I would bet not. I still play this game and I am days away from running out of anything to do. When I was new I had quest to do. but I haven't seen them in years. or any changes for that matter. So here is a real suggestion the things in the game that have been added yet never goon into production, like the market place selling spots. the fifth spot is still coming soon. How soon is it going to be? Going to a friends city still coming soon really? Rewards for inviting your friends to Rising Cities Are they coming soon too? or has that all been a lie? because where I live false advertisements are a crime. and I know bp is subject to the international laws too. So is this a dead game,and refunds are in the mail. Or is the game still having issues with the big bad bugs? (you might want to hire some programmers to help out) or start sending out them checks! You See I Knew No One Missed Mr.crowley hahaha!
  7. g`day Mr Crowly , it is good to see you back in the forum again, like you i still play this game and although i have reached level 75 , I still find that there is still a long way for me to reach a point where i cannot progress my city any more. I also would like to see some more improvements in the game and i believe in time we will see some and the forum games are a nice side diversion for those wanting to participate
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello to all,

    We all are expecting something new...
  9. we are?
  10. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  11. Hi :D
  12. G`day Noordbrabant,
    Welcome back to the forum, it is nice to see you here again :)
  13. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Noordbrabant, nice to meet you and nice to see you here :)

    I was wondering would anyone have breakfast with me? ......:p:oops:

    I have just finished preparing everything:


    Would someone bring the coffee? :D
  14. Jello

    Jello User

    I will gladly have breakfast with you, it looks like a nice feed :)
    I only have Instant coffee, is that alright?
  15. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Jello,

    Of course, coffee is coffe :D

    Good morning to all of you and Happy Mother's Day

  16. Also a Happy mothers day to you also Artisan :)
  17. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  18. :p Tuesday here already
  19. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Here Tuesday is almost finishing!:p:p
    And it's cold and rainy :confused:
  20. harley9883

    harley9883 User


    As an RC Administrator, ...what does that mean?