The Mayors' Chat room

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. yes i can :)
  2. Zantia1

    Zantia1 User

    i can see it too and ...i'm a bit jealous:D;);)

    WELCOME GIRLS and thank you for your help against men
  3. :eek::eek:
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    You too :)
  5. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello to all,

    Noukicity, you need to change your settings like so:

    Click on you nickname, choose preferences

    Pick show people's signatures with their messages, and save changes
    Noukicity likes this.
  6. Noukicity

    Noukicity User

    Thanks Artisan
  7. Jello

    Jello User

    Why are you jealous Zantia, yours looks good as well :)
    Also you girls are going great, a couple of days away and you have leaped ahead:eek:
    anoukjoris likes this.
  8. Zantia1

    Zantia1 User

  9. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello to all!

    Jello.... by the way... what about making you a nice signature?
    Would you ask for one on the official thread and let me know what you like? :p
    anoukjoris likes this.
  10. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    What's up with the "you have to wait xx seconds before making another post"?
    Is that recent? I haven't noticed it before until recently
    I understand it's to prevent spam, but it is quite a long time. Can't you shorten it?
  11. i noticed that yesterday
    also did you see the new FAQ for bonus codes
  12. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    yes, I did
    I immediatly looked for the post where they announced the bonuscode, but I didn't find one :(
  13. could be something in the wind maybe
  14. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    With the winds we're having now, it could be a long way away then :)
    anoukjoris likes this.
  15. were have a strong westerly right now
  16. Jello

    Jello User

    I actually do have one from another game I played but I can't work out how to put it on this forum. If I ever do work it out then I will think of something but I appreciate the offer :) (I'm not so tech savvy as some of the others here:D )
  17. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Jello... I am sorry, but you are not getting away that easily for I have made an nice FAQ on how to insert a signature :p:D

    Here it is:​

    Jello likes this.
  18. Artisan what a lovely Signature this one is
  19. Zantia1

    Zantia1 User

    I saw a new nice signature ;)
  20. what is it Zantia