The Mayors' Chat room

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. i remember when the new forum came online it was pretty busy back then :)
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Back then the game was more interesting
  3. yes it was, nearly everyone was a newbie :rolleyes:
  4. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Yes and when an event started everyone posted how far they were.
    How many dropitems they collected and so on.
    Now nobody talks about the events anymore and there should be new people who play them for the first time:(
  5. we must have joined the forum around the same time i think it was around 26th Nov 2013 when i swapped over
  6. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    A lot of people started on november 26th 2013 because that was when the new forum was launched
  7. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  8. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Welcome to the team :p
  9. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  10. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    hello again
    I play RC since april 2013.
    It was a lot of fun then.
  11. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I don't rememer exactly when I started
    Probably around the same time as Anoukjoris
    And developing a small city is more fun for sure
    So I started twice after that :)
  12. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I played for the cities of my kids, they all started, but stopped.
    So I build up a lot of cities:)
  13. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I didn't build them too big. About 2500 residents or so. Then I stopped
  14. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I stopped also, because I got bored
  15. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Yeah, tell me about it :(
  16. I demolished all the small homes like the prefabs etc, so now am rebuilding it would be great to see some new higher density residences become available
  17. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I know, I have got some redesigning to do also :(
    Tear down all the little buildings and replace them with big ones
  18. that will take a couple of more years :D
  19. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Probably :D
    I just don't feel like investing the time to do it right
    So I don't do it at all :cool:
  20. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Me neither.
    I like my small buildings, and I still have a lot of buildings who aren't level 4 yet.
    So first upgrade all my buildings before I throw out my small buildings.