The Mayors' Chat room

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by Artisan, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. were still wearing shorts and Tshirt
  2. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    We're almost:cool:
  3. Zantia1

    Zantia1 User

    [​IMG] YESSSSS!!!!!
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello to all!

    Here the sun finally came and it's hot :)
  5. Today we may get lucky and have some rain:):)
  6. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Tomorrow we get maybe lucky and it will be dry:)
  7. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Good morning to all!

    The sun has come.... it's warm... birds are singing.... Lovely :)
  8. our birds are singing also only as we are getting a little rain now:D
  9. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Here the sun is far, far away:(
  10. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Good morning! we are having a shy sun again... let's hope it holds on ;)
  11. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Finally the sun is shining here, and the temperature is nice :)
  12. were having a major rain event here 150 ml overnight and it is still not letting up
  13. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    Here in Europe is also a lot of rain.
    In the south of Germany, the north of France has fallen a lot of rain, and here in some parts of the Netherlands also. You could swim in the streets.
    Luckily we stayed dry:cool:
  14. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  15. Jello

    Jello User

    I hope Skippyroo and anoukjoris are keeping dry, that sounds like some wet weather. I have some scuba gear on hand if you need :)
    anoukjoris likes this.
  16. Thanks Jello by the time you deliver it I probably wont need it :p
  17. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    The weather has been great here today.
    We had our dinner outside in the garden:)
  18. That would be a nice relaxing meal, we dine outside times unless it is raining
    nothing worse than eating watery food :rolleyes:
  19. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    here in the Netherlands, you can not often dine outside, because it's too cold.
    But today it's very hot, so we had our sundaybreakfast outside in the garden:)
  20. are we about to get a new event as i have a soccer ball in my event plaza :rolleyes:

    I am wondering if it will be a new event as there has been nothing from the mods so far on this, now with three days to go. Also nothing in this moths calendar.

    Edit again, i did find the old FootBall party from a couple of years ago
    Could the powers that be will recycle this event
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016