The Road to Happiness

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Doctor#3, Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. Doctor#3

    Doctor#3 User

    I was wondering if roads should be tied to happiness? The better the roads the better the mood. For example, 100 turfs = 1 mood point and 10 cobble stone = 1 mood point, or something like that. At least, there is a reason to spend CC to improve your roads other than to have a nicer looking city.

    AldoTF03 and minadaniel like this.
  2. The reason you already mentioned - to have a nicer city, is enough for me. :) Also on level 33 with the amount of money I can get hold of I don't think much about the price when changing roads. So it might be more usefull for lover levels. I wish there were more paved squares fo play with, and possibly still more road types.

    But on the other hand, why not. It probably wouldn't hurt anything. :)
  3. does that mean i am too old for the lover levels:(
  4. AldoTF03

    AldoTF03 User

    Seems a good idea :):)
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