Thread moving ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Hi Pirate,

    I'd like to ask you a favour: Applogies for messing up your "kingdom" but sometimes the topic results in a nice debate with helpfull hints. Would it be possible in such cases to move the thread to user area instead of closing it so the debate can go on? I've had this in mind several times already, the recent two which I believe would deserve to go to user board and stay openned are these:

    I understand it may be iritating sometimes when we go "off topic" in your realm, especially when you have tons of other things to do, but I suppose these things are bound to happen as anyone not familiar with BP disclamer on CfA and Cinema will quite naturally consider their mulfunction to be a tech issue. Moving the thread would allow other players to help.

    Also in the latter thread I myself struggle to find out what you mean by "original post on this feature" which you reffered OP to.

    Thanks for considering my suggestion and thanks for all your help. :cool: :rolleyes: ;)
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As requested I have moved and reopened those two threads.

    Tech questions are meant to be a single game issues in the form of a question answered then closed.
    I know you are aware that we get reminders each time an answer is posted in that area so when we have two or more questions in the same thread all with variable answers it becomes impossible to sort out what the question was without reading the whole thread again.

    Each poster knows what they are talking about and what they asked, I cannot remember as I may have 50 tickets and 30 posts to answer on varying subjects for different games twice per day.

    For this reason we need clarity hence the single topic policy.

    Hope that all makes sense....:rolleyes:
  3. Of course I understand how it should work in ideal world. :) Unfortunatelly we live in imperfect world and temptation to engage in debate even in tech section is too often too great. :cool: :D :cool: Thanks as always. :) You may close here.
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

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