"Time remaining"??

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by FeeBee10, Sep 4, 2017.

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  1. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    I am probably doing something wrong or have interpreted this incorrectly, however .... I was doing the latest "Rock Festival" Event & thought I had enough time to complete the challenge .... (I must have been wrong there) because now I cannot click into the event challenge, and when I hover my cursor over the Event Plaza I get a message saying "Time remaining for the special offer is 1.27.23" (and it is obviously counting down as it started at over 4 hours when I first noticed) ... I am guessing I ran out of time to complete the event, but when I click on the Plaza or the little pictures of the tickets above it, nothing happens, so I am confused as to what this is for? I think in the past if I have missed out on competing a challenge because I have run out of time, it has allowed me to complete it using MM .... but there is just no option when I click on the screen/Plaza/notice .....nothing happens! Can anyone please enlighten me?
    Thanking you in advance.
    ID 10043483
  2. This could be a display error, have you deleted your flash data and cleared your browser cookies/cache etc and tried a different browser
  3. FeeBee10

    FeeBee10 User

    Thank you for responding Tassie - Yes, I did all those things, but no joy .... the "special offer" timer has counted down to zero now anyways, so when I hover my cursor over the Plaza it just states there are no current events scheduled.
    I did think I had much more time to complete the task though, as I was collecting concert tickets, which is only around half way through the whole challenge, and I would not have continued to collect them knowing that I didn't have enough time to complete even that section of the challenge (there is no point, is there!) ... I would have just stopped, as I have done in the past, once I realise I don't have enough time to finish, so it is a little strange, I must say! You can close the thread now Tassie as there is nothing that can be done at this stage. Thank you for trying Tassie. Hugs ... FeeBee x
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    FeeBee10 - Sorry for the confusion, better luck next time. Let us know if there is any future problems. We are closing the thread at this time.
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