Tips and tricks when playing Rising Cities

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    'Tips and tricks' when playing RC??

    For example:

    how to build an efficient area where I can harvest either CityCredits, ProductionPoints or EducationPoints

    that's it's a good idea to wait to exchange the gold-medals as long as you can - since the content of the packet highly depends on you Mayor-level

    buy expansion so you can use the exit to other areas at a given Mayor-level

    that the number of special Collection items on streets highly depends on how many streets you have - so it's a good idea to buy expansion and fill it with streets

    that the event Art Expo is an importent event if you want to make the most of it when using the emergency system

    and so on.

    By the way - Wizz - I really like you FAQ's they are so easy to read because you are using the pictures and text from the game ;-)

    If you don't want to miss out on the exclusive decorations don't lv-up to fast - the only way to avoid is to be carefull (untill you're lv25 at the moment) when you're participating in an event - always keep an eye on you're exp-points:

    After doing the Turorial Farmer (lv5-9) wait for the Farmer's Market - here you can get you're hands on
    [​IMG]lv10-14 and [​IMG] lv15-19 - one time only - if

    you time it properly then you can get both during the time this event is running.

    Then Childrens Festival or Ancient Festival:

    [​IMG] lv10-14,lv15-19 [​IMG] lv10-14,lv15-19

    so read the event-FAQ and be prepared :p
    Event FAQ's
    Returning Events

    RC bugs:
    Beware of mood/energy improvements bug?

    Save your Loot-O-Matic Ticket ... the rewards highly depends on your level.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Speaker's Corner is the section where players can share their opinions and ideas about the game. So please use this thread to add your Tips and Tricks about Rising Cities Game.
    Any irelevant postings will be deleted.

    captain123456 likes this.
  3. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Good stuff there, Kimmi.
    Much of the advice will be related to a certain level, but here's a few generic ones from me.
    Most are common sense though.

    Log-in once every 24 hours (at least) to maximize the collection from city hall, stadium, tree, etc.

    Produce the quicker items when online, and the longer items whilst offline/sleeping.

    Read & search forums. 95% of issues have already been posted several times before.

    Definitely read FAQs - lots to be learnt there.

    Read Event FAQ before starting a new event, and try as much as possible to plan the event to see if you can finish the event, stock up on necessary items, etc.

    Check the market place regularly. Sometimes some bargains can be had....

    Delete cache regularly, can help to minimize those annoying bugs.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The above advice is all very sound and useful. There are not a great many tricks in this game, a lot of different strategies. Each with their advantages and disadvantages. My input follows:

    This is not a trick, but is a tip and some advice. Do not get greedy. Have patience and do not try to do to much to fast. The law of unforeseen consequences always seems to catches you in this game. Before doing any action think twice and then think about it again.
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    * set MM confirmation button in options (you can find out how in the FAQs)
    * save your MM until you are higher lvl and you understand the game better (even if game-quests ask you to spend them, i advice against)
    * spend your MM wisely, try to spend them on items that cannot be acquired by normal means(CC/event rewards)
    * try to earn MM from all sources (event rewards, movies-even if they dont work often enough)

    * don't start emergency system before you have acquired enough utilities to get good coverage in your city. if you have already started, you can deactivate it and you can start it again at a later time (you can find out how to do this in FAQs)
    * dont extent specialist contracts to much, sometimes is better just to recruit new guys (always try to have academy working, you may never know when a specialist needs replacing)

    /if i think of more i will post.
    captain123456, Andrewjf and *kimmi* like this.
  6. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Plan ahead and use the market - that's a good one :p :

    be carefull before lv-up - you can make some of the weekly quest twice before you reached lv 25

    before you have the brewery you can make the event Rock Festival go to the market and buy Hefeweizen prize if often 25-35

    before you have the bakery you can make the event Ancient Festival go to the market and buy Rolls the prize if often 170-200

    Think twice is a good one to :oops::

    Watch you energy before collecting from the production buildings
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Take a close look at each MM price of individual building steps and compare - there are some good deals in there.

    Remember that even though selling materials on the market comes in handy for CC, you might regret the sale when the materials are needed in a building you want to upgrade.

    During events, when the last step requires drops from buildings and you already have enough drops but want to continue collecting drops for mastery changes - don`t forget to hand in the event drops before the event is over (has happened to me a couple of times).
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  8. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    If you're going to be online a lot over 2 days, invest in the street patrol.
    200% = lots of emergencies.
    If you're online a lot, you can get a fair chunk of the MM back in prizes + you can amass a fair bit of brickyard supplies and maybe get some useful residential permits.
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  9. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Finally found the MM confirmation button - did lose a lot of MM - to fast for my own good :oops:

    upgrade your bakery by producing Rolls - they go like hot cakes in the Marketplace especially in the weekend - and save your bricks you really gonna regret if you sell them :(

    cann't wait to try out the EMS but I still need a lot coverage - the Art Expo-event really helps out with that

    at lv22 you get access to the Island Playfield: the Coast

    at lv 25 you get access to the Suburbs Playfield: the Burbs and a really nice supprise: a brewery and a brickyard

    at lv 25 you get access to the Mountains: ....... and two quarry and the best of all a hydropower dam (2500 energy and 0 mood) but remember to take the road when you're are trying to reach the hydropower dam by expanding land :rolleyes: - and make a connecting road Snowy mountains dam

    if you are up for it then read FAQ read FAQ read FAQ - you will not regret it :p
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Even if you have rotten bad coverage you can run EMS.
    Build Brownstone Flats (you don't need to give them any potato's), if you really low on stuff you can skip building them.
    Only train your guys 1-2 times or even zero. If you train aim for 13 in efficiency.
    Only renew contracts 1-2 times or zero.
    Now you can run EMS for a very low cost or even for free. You will fail a lot but what you do get you get for almost free or free.
    If its worth the hassle is up to you.
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  11. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    it can be really usefull to use 'Watch Thread' for example on this thread

    So what was the biggest error you have made so far? ;)

    or very entertaining

    Counting RC Bugs!.. to 1 million :p

    Don't buy land-expansion using MM unless they are on sale - look in the calendar

    Expansion Sale

    Something about energy and ERS Power Plants Suggestion

    Save your MM for Mystery Building Mystery Buildings especially season 3 or 4 - if you're lucky you can get: Biomass Power Plant mood -150 and energy +600 or Eiffel Tower mood +1000:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Hey kimmi A friendly suggestion rather than posting repeated post to a thread use the edit function. It is located in the lower right hand corner of the comment box, next to Like and Reply. This allows you to go in and adjust or add to your comments. The powers that be state in the Rules for the Forum that multiple posting is a no no. Do not fret we have all done it at some point. I have loved your posts keep them up.
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  13. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Having trouble - like I :oops: - with collecting drops from houses, getting PP or CC - here you can find some really good advice:

    capitalist or workers?
    collecting axes

    and I also found some usefull tips about ' How to grow your city' and when to do it :

    IsitworthhavingCapitalist buildings ?
    Tomasteryortokeep adding new residentials?

    Price Mountain-expansion:


    Save your unlimited improvements:

    Residential Improvements

    untill you get familiar with the game or are lucky enough to get ex. the Manor by cashing in medals from using the ERS

    Emergency System
    ERS covering the City field
    bit confused about specialists
    Show us your Mastery
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
    captain123456 likes this.
  14. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Unless posts are too old editing is always preferred if noone has replied. Please avoid multi-posting in the future.
    I am sure there are ways to make posts shorter and more concise.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  15. There are a lot of topics and sections which go into detail that u can use. Get to know this forum properly. :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  16. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    The new updated calendar listing events for the whole month is very handy
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The calendar is also a link to the FAQ's posts for the scheduled events. Awesome. :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    ERS - the Academy

    - if you can - don't use your Vitamin-X untill you have fully upgraded your ERS-Buildings
    - only use Vitamin-X for education-steps 8-9
    - try to avoid placing Buildings - as long as possible - at the beach and in the Water (the Coast and Burbs) - oil-drums tends to pop-up here and contains Vitamin-X for 1000 CC
    - even though Bikers Week is a bit 'expensive' - it might be worth it to complete stage 3: 100 Vitamin-X
    captain123456 and -Skyla-2 like this.
  19. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    Don't try and finish events too soon.

    Many building require you to collect rent during weekly event.

    So even if you can do the event in 12 hours try and finish it in the last few hours if possible. You can start when you want. Just means you can collect rents during weekly event for 72 hours instead of 12 if that's when you can finish event
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  20. Collie007

    Collie007 User

    Can someone help me, I'm really low on production points, how do I get more?
    captain123456 likes this.
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