Tips and tricks when playing Rising Cities

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *kimmi*, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Here is a link to another thread regarding this subject rather than rehashing all of this advice over again.

    But the short version is to get more production points -- You need more workers so staff more of your residences with workers in the begining and keep the residences needs fulfilled.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    captain123456 and *kimmi* like this.
  2. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Best Advice (I was given) For Beginners: Production is the backbone of this game. Exception being made for the Task/Quest for upgrading or instantly building (and you want to watch out for these) it is best to build and upgrade all your mills and farms as soon as possible; of course that necessitates supporting population of workers and their needs revenues. I followed this advice as did the guy who got me playing RC (Geflin) and we both have exceeded our friends who got him into the game. We watch them struggle with events even though they have played longer...because they lack the production capacity. Geflin (lucky bird) has seven mills because he jumped on that in time (before they reduced it to five) and he flies through events and upgrades because of the extra production. Don't forget there is a free fully upgraded farm (land plot bottom left of main field, near water); the sooner you work over to it, the cheaper it will be. This farm can make early events (like Farmer's Market) a whole lot easier.:D
  3. Here is some advice from me:

    • Upgrade farm;lumber mills;bakery;brickyard;brewery A.S.A.P (As soon as possible) but the most important are the top four (I.E. farm;lumber mills;bakery;brickyard) this will help you in events and make it a whole lot easier.
    • Upgrade houses A.S.A.P (as soon as possible) more people = more drops
    • have a lot of street on un-wanted land. This will help with streets collection during events
    • Log in regally more so if you are doing an event.
    • be patient that it the key to this game
    • make beams all the time apart from sleeping they are necessary even after level 33.
    • make bricks;don't sell them you'r get a good price but you will regret it.
    • if you'r after CC then use materials that you don't need to sell. Make these over night/ when sleeping.
    • plan ahead look at the calender and plan. This is also great for knowing when a special event is coming up
    • don't start the event until you have all the items you need that you can make before the event
    • look at the F&Q some great info on there
    That all that i can think off for now i will post if i thick off more!

  4. 126552

    126552 User

    I'm in the same boat. Can't find it under another forum? Starting out I never realized they were there, I guess I just had that many. Now I'm level 11 and am completely stuck. Can anybody help?
    captain123456 likes this.
  5. Erica

    Erica User

    I found a trap that can cause frustration is to have too many production facilities too early. EG: If you have five Level 1 brickworks on the go, these take 2500 production points. So you log on, grab the Bricks, but because you can only log on once a day you dont pick up enough production points to re-start all your brickworks. My advice is to take a deep breath and only run enough production facilities to keep your workers needs fulfilled for a while and get some of your workers residences upgraded - so concentrate on your farms for a while. Then as you progress you will find that things will improve. If you can log on a few times a day to collect CC's and Production points etc, that will help things along immensely :)
  6. Good evening,

    Thank you for the tips also tricks here everyone, there good.

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786
  7. perla

    perla User

    can anyone tell me how to add residents in our cities

    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  8. to ad citizens you need to build residences the first of them available to you is the prefab, I would recmend having workers and building a farm to make tomatoes then a lumber mill to make lumber there is a substantial amount if information on all aspect of this game in our FAQ section
    please read these as they are extremely helpful also enjoy this game
  9. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    captain123456 likes this.
  10. Good evening,

    Can someone give me some tips also tricks to help me because I am still level 15 and stuck so any tips. :(

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Captain what seems to be the problem can you give us a little more details In what areas do you want advice in?
    captain123456 likes this.
  12. Good evening,

    Could you give me advice on building houses, buying land also about the booster packs or improvements please that would be helpful. :)

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786​
  13. Please read the Faq section, we have given you the links on more than one occasion. There you will find all the answers to the questions that you are asking in the forum. and if it is not in the appropriate Faq then post in the forum your query. Thankyou
  14. Geflin

    Geflin User

    You know, Captain, if you'd read the FAQs and read the posts on the two pages of this very thread, you would find a wealth of advice and tips. As usual, I agree with the cat...if you could give us a specific issue you have (not just a general area because the FAQs are for that), then maybe we can give some helpful advice. Otherwise (it seems to me, no disrespect intended) we'd just be rewriting the FAQs here in our own words. We are a friendly community, and are willing to help. If you could explain why you think you are "stuck", perhaps the cat or I can figure out how to get you "unstuck"; but keep in mind, this is a game of patience and planning....are you truly stuck?
  15. -dormouse-

    -dormouse- User

    Buy a veg stall and put suburban houses and single family houses all round it, check to see if they give credits or PP though as they do vary. Grow tomatoes for the veg stall and deliver them. Check each house to ensure the needs item has a big green tick in it and the needs fulfillment revenue has a figure other than 0 by it. Do the same with the diner and the energy efficiency houses, veg stalls and urban cottages (they give 39 pp every 2 hours if you set them up right and energy houses give 45pp in about 1.5 hours)

    I'm in my first 24hours and made that wonderful discovery earlier when desperate for more pps. I suspect it will happen with other items as we grow.



    Edit: sorry, didn't see the 2 posts above.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    dormouse it never hurts to give good advice more than once. Thanks for the suggestions and advice.
    Ultraschall likes this.
  17. MacMcMac

    MacMcMac User

    Thank you for the good tips and trix Kimmi! :)
  18. Not enough commercial buildings to cover your needs? Upgrading a commercial building and losing out on needs? The simplest solution is to move another commercial building of the correct type into place prior to collecting the rent - then restock, move elsewhere, and collect rent again. One commercial building can service more tenants than its coverage would suggest.
  19. You need to house more workers, and provide their needs. There are also a couple of housing options that pay rent in PP, which are valuable in the earlier stages. Increasing this further can be done using specific improvements. Mostly it's just building within the constraints of the game, but it does get better!

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