Tips on Playing Game

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by JanetShanelle, Jul 31, 2017.

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  1. I recently started playing this game about a week ago and I was wondering if you would have any tips on like when to plant a certain crop or what layout I should use for my city.
    Thanks :D
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The beautiy of this game you can do what ever you wish to do. There is no right or wrong way to grow your city. The choice is up to you. Just remember that you need to keep some level of balance in the game. You can not go to far to one extreme to another. The Quests are designed to help you learn the intricacies of the game. The only advice I will offer is be patient and things will develop on there own.
    DagnyKr and Elco like this.
  3. Thank you for replying!
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Does anyone else have suggestions for JanetShanelle?
  5. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Don't focus too much on need fulfillment revenue (the extra CC or PP you get from houses when you supply them with tomatoes for example). Hard to keep up with them. Focus on making building materials to build new houses etc. With rent you will earn the most income .

    Good luck!
  6. Focus on leveling up your farms , lumber mills , bakeries, brickyards.
    DagnyKr likes this.
  7. Prepare well before you start any event - stock up on those items that you can produce prior to starting the event to make best use of the time available.
  8. ziadelali

    ziadelali User

    for now don't produce beams, produce lumber and sell them 139 each then go buy beams with the money to achieve your fulfillment and don't forget to participate in events make the best of your time before reaching level 20 in participating in events because in almost all the events the end prize is the same between before and after level 20 the difference is it's much harder. Plus don't forget to make the most of your residents workers production points are important to keep your factories working, and most impotently your main source of money should be the marketplace not the residents. Finally while participating in events there will be always something to collect from streets like paintings and toys you can boost your collecting speed by filling the emety lands of your city with the free roads so the collecting items appear more