todays biker event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by StoyC, Apr 4, 2014.

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  1. StoyC

    StoyC User

    Hello i have a question
    Is is posible to finish this event without using any MM. Becouse there are no xpresos, and i think if you want to make it with no MM is not posible to finish.
    Am i wrong?
    Plz for the answer becouse i think of not even starting this event.
  2. It depends on the size of your city, and the number of facilities you have and what level. If we assume (optimistically) that you have 7 level 3 lumber mills, 8 level 3 farms, 4 level 3 bakeries and 3 level 3 breweries, then:
    Logs - 3 runs @ 2hrs = 6hrs.
    Brown ale - 2 breweries @ 4hrs = 8hrs (320 brown ale)
    Letters - depends on city.
    Soya beans - 4 runs @ 4hrs = 16 hrs (but need one batch before we can start tofu dogs = 4hrs)
    Tofu dogs - 5 runs @ 6hrs = 30 hrs.
    Brown ale - 3 runs @ 4 hrs = 12 hrs.
    Helmets - depends on city
    So production time = 6+8+34 (tofu + 1 soy bean) = 48 hrs.
    Brown ale for stage 4 can be done at same time as tofu dogs.

    So you should even be able to get some sleep. :)

    Ok, my mistake about lumber mills, except that whether you have 7 or only 5, you still need 3 runs = 6hrs to do the logs.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2014
  3. StoyC

    StoyC User

    omg. im lvl 35 and i have like 5 lumber mils lvl3, 8 farms lvl 3 and 4 level 2 bakeries and 3 lvl 1 breweries. so im not able to do it.
    thats anyway for the calculation.
  4. @strider_legs : I suppose you are posting in joking mood but remember 2 extra Lumber Mills are no longer available. :)
    marylis likes this.
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    @strider_legs you cant get 4 bakery's now. That was a one time reward quite a long time ago.
  6. op question has been answered
  7. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

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