Tofu sausages for biker challenge

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by Krzywousty, Jul 19, 2018.

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  1. Krzywousty

    Krzywousty User

    Passing the tofu sausage challenge in the biker quest is basically impossible (unless you use Metro Money, which I prefer not to) given that you can only have three bakeries and you can only upgrade them to level 3. There is no way to get an additional bakery permit, it seems. So, can you please either lower the number of tofu sausages required or allow us to buy/build more bakeries?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

  3. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    I do not know what your level is, but if it can reassure you I do not like this quest that is energy-consuming and whose rewards are not up to the time spent to succeed!
    I am at the 75/4 level for a very long time and despite my 8 bakeries and I still do not find the interest of this quette!
    @ s.c.lynx is right, the answers given are always the same and I do not see the point of contacting the "support" that has been abandoning us for a long time.
    Real advice, do not waste your time with this quest ;)

    Je ne sais pas quel est ton niveau, mais si çà peut te rassurer je n'aime pas non plus cette quête qui est énergivore et dont les récompenses ne sont pas à la hauteur du temps passé pour la réussir !
    Je suis au niveau 75/4 depuis très très longtemps et malgré mes 8 boulangeries et je ne trouve toujours pas l'intérêt de cette quette !
    @s.c.lynx a raison, les réponses données sont toujours les mêmes et je ne vois pas l'intérêt de contacter le "support" qui nous a abandonné depuis longtemps.
    Un vrai conseil, ne perd pas ton temps avec cette quête ;)
    misseloe likes this.
  4. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    Similar to guyjean1 I'm at 75th level, I've got 8 bakeries and usually I finish this quest on the third stage (long time letters collecting).
    Sometimes I finish whole quest, when I have got lot of time, depands what I need more to upgrade my buildings and I haven't got more quests to do. Remember, that 4th stage prize is 75md.
    guyjean1 likes this.