
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by reddly, Mar 10, 2016.

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  1. reddly

    reddly User

    Morning, Just wondering why the Lootomatic tells me that it is inactive and I need to buy at least 1 more token. I have 2 green tokens left that I have not used.
    Thank you.

    reddly | ID 9261062
  2. reddly

    reddly User

    Don't worry now it seems to be working. But can someone explain why it does this as it is not the first time it has happened. Is there a time out period after you have used a token, then gone checked you city and collected rent and then go straight back in to use an other token is when it seems to lock me out.
    Thank you.
  3. the only thing that I can think of is that it may be a display problem on your end, clearing your browser/flash cache should fix this problem
  4. reddly

    reddly User

    Thank you Tassie, I will give it a go. :)
    Still having internet service issues here so i will let you know tomorrow when I log back in. If I log out now I may not be able to log back in again today. BLOODY OPTUS, BLOODY NBN :mad::mad::mad:
  5. your Lucky then reddly I only have pigpond wireless :mad:

    oops meant bigpong
  6. Nothing further here closed:)
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