Too many Emergencies

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by St.AnniesBay, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Would it be possible to limit the amount of emergencies in a 24 hour period. I put the emergency system away because all I was doing was putting out an emergency, using up all my technicians times and loosing the quest! I have now decided to put the system back in and with in 1 hour of playing I have had to renew 85% of my technicians and it is always on, especially since I am doing an event. There is no reason to have an emergency every 5 - 10 minutes. I am thinking of removing it again as it is more annoying than it is fun.

    St.AnniesBay | ID 1863354
  2. McChicken

    McChicken User

    You don't need to pay in materials any more.
    So you can just do nothing right? And there wouldn't be a problem ;)
  3. franklysa

    franklysa User

    Just deactivate the systems until you have enough education points and packs to train and higher enough good technicians. Then when you run out of points put it away. It is a good way to get medals so you can buy items with them.
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