TOP 100

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by .Jairo., Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. nickname: profesormarysias1
    country: Poland
    level: 64
    population: 26016
    land: 144
    townhall: 8
    score: (64*1000) + 26016 + (144*100) + (8*1000) = 112416
    date: 11.12.2017
  2. souza1990

    souza1990 User

    só ter eu de brasileiro aqui?
  3. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    Maybe it is time for new table administrator? It looks like last one is gone forever:confused:
  4. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    I have the same impression, it's a shame because the competition stimulates :confused:
    garry58 and panch29 like this.
  5. garry58

    garry58 User

    I asked in the question and bug report section and have not had a reply from a mod. I presume Mods are banned from telling Mayors anything about this thread. Such a pity the way Mayors are being treated now. I have signed guyjeans petition :(
    guyjean1 likes this.
  6. anilvap

    anilvap User

    1.Anilvap Czech 6746 5241448135 924
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
    Eddie112, StarostkaJana and T.STARK like this.
  7. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    T.STARK[​IMG] Poland75366081158131108
    Eddie112 and anilvap like this.
  8. nika1980

    nika1980 User

    uživatelské jméno; Nika1980
    úroveň starosty; 43
    městská úroveň hala; 8
    země; Skóre SVK ; 66468
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
    Eddie112 likes this.
  9. Estrid

    Estrid User

    • nickname: Estrid
    • country: Denmark
    • level: 54
    • population: 9884
    • land: 144
    • townhall:8
    Score: (54x1000) + (9884) + (144x100) + (8x1000) = 86884
    Date of last change:
    Eddie112 likes this.
  10. lordartis

    lordartis User

  11. lordartis

    lordartis User

    TLordArtis[​IMG] Brasil24106033456.360

    Last edited: May 6, 2018
  12. Nickname: briansonder. Country: Danmmark. Lv 72. Population: 30100. Land: All countryes. Toenhall: 8. Score: ? d/d 0505 18. Tanks you
  13. Milan171

    Milan171 User

    Hello, after a long time there is an actual table.
    Link here: TOP100
    T.STARK and guyjean1 like this.
  14. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Thank you very much for the initiative, it makes you want to give back our statistics ;)

    Merci beaucoup pour l'initiative, çà donne envie de redonner nos statistiques ;)
  15. Milan171

    Milan171 User

    You're welcome. If I were to take it, as we had it set on our former national forum, only 10.3% of the players in the table would qualify. :(:(:(
  16. Milan171

    Milan171 User

    1. Table I will not do twice a month, once a month (I will try to do it every time on the first of the month)
    2. I accept only data that is not older than 3 months

    In addition to these two changes, the same rules will apply, that said .Jairo.!
    Rosomack and guyjean1 like this.
  17. myrolo

    myrolo User

    nickname myrolo
    country france
    level 57
    population 10284
    land 135
    townhall 8
    score (57 x 1000) + 10284 + (135x 100) + (8x 1000) = 88784

    date of the last change 06/06/2018

    guyjean1 likes this.
  18. ninnik63

    ninnik63 User

    nickname: ninnik63
    country: Belgium
    level: 70
    population: 28536
    land: 144
    townhall: 8
    score: (70*1000)+28536+(144*100)+(8*1000)= 120936
    date of the last change
    guyjean1 likes this.
  19. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    T.STARK[​IMG] Poland75393001198134200
    Rosomack likes this.
  20. Rosomack

    Rosomack User

    Nickname: Rosomack.
    Country: Poland.
    Level: 58.
    Population: 26132
    Land: 142
    Town hall: 8
    Points: 103332 (I hope I calculate properly).
    First publication ;):D
    T.STARK likes this.