Trading Guild.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mr.Crowley, Nov 24, 2014.

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  1. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    Would it be ok to start a trading guild? Where players can talk to each other and cut deals for things needed for things the other player might need? I am asking because it seems like some people are already doing this. One only needs to watch the market place to see that.
    If this is ok to do Would anyone care to trade some goods? a Ts3 or skype would be best, for talking about the best time for trades.
  2. All trading is done in the market place, there is no facility for other forms of trading
    Happy gaming
    Mr.Crowley likes this.
  3. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    Yes in the market place, I can talk to other players and tell them when to refresh and buy what I am selling for a low price. then they would sell me something for a low price back. Is this within the rules? It's risky all should know that.But worth it, when needing some beams to complete a building upgrade. And thanks for your time to read ,and answering my questions. I know you all don't hear Thanks, as much as you should. But we all do need to say it more often.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    My interpretation of the rules is that you could do this but it would probably not work as you envision. Since there are tens of thousands of players online at anyone time (a rough guess) and a significant portion in the market place at any one time. Offering severely discounted items in the public market would most likely go to some other than your intended buyer. That would be my assessment. Good luck. ;)
  5. nothing further
    thread closed
    Happy gaming
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