Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Hello Mayors,

    Please use this thread to post your opinions ideas

    your Rising Cities English Mod Team:):)
  2. pacorific

    pacorific User

    i like any event that gives gift, and i hope this is a prelude to a birthday event.
    reddly likes this.
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's definitely a nice idea. Forum-based activities with in-game rewards can be a nice addition to a game like this and its community. I've seen one once, a scavenger hunt, on the French board, but it was a long time ago. It would be even nicer if such things were more frequent and weren't unique to any one country's board. Thanks for trying to keep the mood up with this. :D

    The only complaint here is that determining a 'correct' answer seems like it's up to a lot interpretation and guesswork, as any actual dates and times vary and a lot of older info seems to be lost or not actually present.

    The reward is on the small side I feel, but it isn't really disproportionate either.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Awesome concept and love the idea. Good luck to us all.
  5. I can Allay your thoughts on that Arsuru I have the time and date etc from an original email notifying the game went live
    so it will be from that email we have the answer:)
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    No worries, I figured as much.
  7. Thanks Tassie for a great idea just what we need will there be more of these to follow:):);)
  8. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    It's a nice enough idea but it doesn't explain what's going on with the birthday event, apart from that it will be late. And apparently an announcement that it will only last for another week is more important than anything concerning what it is drawing attention to, or perhaps away from.

    I don't really want 50 MMs, but I would like a bit of variety in the game. Last summer we even had a World Cup event but this year nothing since easter, and now the regular events seem to be thinning out and no new ones have been introduced for well over a year.

    Just tell us if you can't be bothered any more and we will go and do something else as well.

    None of this is aimed at the mods, who work hard to promote this game with little assistance from within.
  9. Goog morning Mayors,
    Entries for the treasure hunt will close in approximately 2.5 hours gl everyone
    Your rising Cites Mod Team
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