Treasure hunt winners

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by PirateLee, Sep 1, 2015.

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  1. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Good morning Mayors,
    The correct answer to our Treasure Hunt is 13/06/2012 - 9.15AM CET
    Congratulations to our winners who are.
    First, Arsuru: 12 June 2012, 01:52. 50MM
    Second, martingreve: June 14th 2012, 22.00. 30MM
    Third, Weenie: 15TH June 2012 1800. 20 MM

    Your prizes have been credited to your accounts

    Your Rising cities Mod Team :D
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Congrats to all of the winners. :D
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    To all of the winners way to go. To the rest of the players good luck in the new game :cool:
  4. Asplund

    Asplund User

    One of my answers was June 12th 2012 22.22, why didn't I win?
  5. G`day Asplund, I can only apologise I completely missed your entry some how.:(
    I think I am having a week I would like to forget
    you account has been credited with he appropriate MM
  6. High_Road

    High_Road User

    Hey tassie-devil,

    I think all the positions look wrong above. As I see it the top three should be:
    1st Asplund 2nd kuroyany and then 3rd Arsuru in terms of guess away from the time.

    13/06/12 09:1512/06/12 22:22Asplund-10:53:00
    13/06/12 09:1512/06/12 14:00kuroyany-19:15:00
    13/06/12 09:1512/06/12 01:52Arsuru-31:23:00
    13/06/12 09:1514/06/12 22:00martingreve36:45:00
    13/06/12 09:1515/06/12 01:52High_road40:37:00
    13/06/12 09:1515/06/12 18:00weenie56:45:00

    I'm not complaining as I wasn't close (40 hours away!) but I think credit is due to these people as they were pretty sweet guesses especially
    Asplund's! :)

    Arsuru likes this.
  7. Well when I have a stuff up it is no sense in half doing it
    thankyou high road :) it has already been fixed
  8. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Thanks for that, High_Road. At least I still ranked. :D Kinda funny how the RC Facebook, where I took the time from, announces it as before the official date though. I though the hour was odd, anyway. Oh well.

    Tassie, maybe you need a break after all this organizing. Swing on by my city and have a beverage of your choice. ;) May as well everyone come.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
  9. Thanks Arsuru I will certainly do that :D
  10. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Wondered where the exra MMs came from after reading the initial winners :)

    I just used the FB date & plumped for the time when events usually start
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Congrats, once again, to all of the winners. Even with the slight mix up
  12. Asplund

    Asplund User

    Thank you :)
  13. High_Road

    High_Road User

    Sorry to anyone I may have bumped up or down, wasn't really going for that.

    I tried going through Facebook as well but I must have missed a trick :( Loved the task though and appreciate all the hard work you do tassie_devil, can't be easy!
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