trouble logging on

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by wrighty8, Sep 23, 2017.

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  1. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    i use google chrome and am unable to log on it keeps saying security alert, its been like this for a few weeks now. i am able to log on to the Polish site ok . i logged on through the facebook page today even though ive never been on facebook. !! please can you have a quick look at my settings to see if its me, im useless with modern technology. thanks

    wrighty8 4658170
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    wrighty8 - I was able to log into your game using the big three internet programs, Google chrome, Internet Edge, and Firefox. No issues at this time with any of them. Have you checked that you are using the latest version of your soft ware? Adobe recently did an update and I got a warning till I figured out that it needed to be updated. Also try another internet access. You say you are using chrome, try firefox or IE. Then go back to chrome. If you are still having issues send us a screen shot of the message. That may help us understand better.
  3. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    I am Sashagard - ID 9947652
    Maby somebody can help me as well. My game worked perfectly untill today. I tryed to get rid off some off one star house improvements I dont find useful right now and had them in storage (200-400pcs per improvement).
    I did it by replacing same type of improvement many times directly after I place it.
    I menage to "clean" some 300 improvenments untill something happend an my game flipped out.
    I was in the midle of cleaning Stereo improvements when everything whent wrong.
    I was on beach playing field doing this "cleaning" and now my beach is off limit. I cant reach it.
    To be shore that something is wrong with my game I tryed to change same stereo improvement in one of my hill house.
    Now I dont have access to the mountain play field either.
    Can enybody help me - Please!
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards / sashagard
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sashagard - I have logged into your account and had no issues logging in and moving from one playfield and another. The most likely cause of the lock out, is that you maxed out the caches. Try clearing the caches and restart your browsers. I hope the problem is solved.
  5. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    Yes, yesterday I did clean my browser and restarted comp. but nothing worked.
    Today everything seems to be working fine! .... !?!
    It doesn't matter - most important is that I can play again.
    Thank you very much anyway!
  6. Sashagard

    Sashagard User

    ID 9947652
    Hi again s.c. lynx
    Something is rally wrong with my house improvements.
    No "cleaning" this time - I just wanted to change few improvements wich will soon come to an end (bich house) and it happened again!
    I dont have access to the bich play field again.
    I realy dont know what I´m doing wrong.
    Do I have perhaps too many house improvements?!?
    Caches is clean. I even tryed to open my game in diferent browser on other computer but it das not work properly anywhere.
    Changing imprvements is locking me out!
    Please check when you can.
    I will not logg out so you may see how stuck I am when I try to switch play field....
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sashagard - I have once again logged into your account and had no issues. Have you made certain everything is up to date, Adobe flash and several of the browsers have had major updates about a week ago. If not the only situation I can see is a connectivity issue between you and the servers at BP. This usually fixes itself in a day or two and sometimes happens when updates are issued.