Trouble with playing fields

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by libertyel, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. libertyel

    libertyel User

    ID 6526583

    I've tried all day to get into the coast and mountain fields. Sometimes it lets me on for a second and then goes back to the city or it will just continue to spin and load. I can get in the suburbs and city just fine. I've cleared my cache and tried on another computer with the same results. Any help is appreciated thanks.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Have you also cleared Flash Player cache? Right click, global settings, delete? Sometimes that also helps.
  3. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Everything. My sister has a brand new computer literally fresh out the box and we tried to no avail. Which is weird that two fields work and the other two don't. I'll try again because I'm willing to try anything at this point. Thanks for the suggestion.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Could be a server issue then...might want to submit a support ticket if the mods can't figure it out; but the mods here are great at taking care of stuff...hopefully one will get to you soon.
  5. Hi libertyel,
    I've just tried your account, and could get into mountain and coast playfields quite happily. If you're switching automatically back to the city when you get to one of those, it could be a 'feature' of the browser - I know Chrome does this, but Firefox doesn't, for example. Which browser have you been using?
  6. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Hi Strider, I've tested it and it seems to work. It was going in and out last night for me. At times it worked beautifully and at other times I couldn't get results. I use Chrome so that may be the issue. Thanks for the swift help to you both. You can close this thread now.
  7. You're welcome - glad it's working now. Closed.
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