Unlocking extra marketplace slots.

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by EddieT, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. EddieT

    EddieT User

    I currently have four marketplace slots for selling goods. A fifth slot is locked and informs me "coming soon." Currently, I'm level 22. When does this extra slot unlock?
    How long is "soon?"
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sad to say the extra slot has never unlocked. This was a feature in the original game and has never been utilized. Just like some of the emergency specialists never are available. When personel changed the priorities of the game were changed and these items are left over.
  3. EddieT

    EddieT User

    Too bad. I've just recently discovered the advantage of selling in the marketplace and I guess my greed is showing. :D
  4. that is called capitalism Eddie :D:rolleyes:
  5. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    Are you serious about that(extra slot in market place and emergency specialists)...

    They're also closed in my game and I thought they would be open someday.

    Billyjim , what do you mean by original game , isn't this an original one?
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    joke999 I meant that the game has evolved overtime. Many improvements and changes have occurred Some examples I can think of:
    • The original Emergency system caused damage to buildings that had to be repaired
    • There was only one play field
    • Weekly events were all there were and only about three or four of them
    • There were only fifty levels
    • Production and Consumer facilities only had one level
    • Only about a fourth of the residences we have now
    There are probably many more than this. The game is a living thing and changes and improvements do occur. Some plans made by an earlier developer did not come to fruition.
  7. Thanks to every one for your comments :D
    The question has been answered thread closed
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