Unwanted purchase - unavoidable - just got me, too

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dkarl2, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. dkarl2

    dkarl2 User

    Same thing that Chickster just complained about last Saturday happened to me: Having been logged in for several minutes, I was collecting rent from a row of buildings in the middle of the screen; as I clicked on the screen location where one of the rent-ready buildings sits, the offer dialogue popped up with the purchase button exactly beneath where I was clicking.

    Voila! 5MM gone.

    I don't need or want the X-Presso and whatever else may have come with that "purchase." Reading PirateLee's response to that earlier thread, I opened a support ticket, but all I got in return was a blow-off in an email; the guy wasn't rude, just claimed everybody playing the game is subject to the same "server faults," so they can't help me individually. Hmmmm.

    I hope this doesn't lead to a flood of personal requests, but I would appreciate having a mod would follow-up with me, if possible.

    dkarl2 | ID 6944883
  2. exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday we really need a confirmation button or something to confirm our spending i have over 400 xpresso and 1.7 million pp etc
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Reply to the email please that reply was a mistake I handle 99% of all support emails but now and then others chip in when I am busy.

    This topic cannot be continued here so I will close.
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