Unwanted purchase - unavoidable

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Chickster, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. Chickster

    Chickster User

    I know you may not be able to do much - but here's hoping. I just spent 5MMs on X-presso - which I don't need and didn't want - purely because the info pop-up with it in comes some minutes after I log in and in the middle of clicking to collect rent etc. It then states - successful purchase - no 'do you want confirmation screen' (or if there is, it's so fast it goes in a blink) - and annoying because it's a pop-up which is out of my control. Also, due to the lag from the BP servers, the clicks are out of sync and the catch-up also triggers the purchase.

    It would be better if it came up immediately on log-on, instead of often being delayed several minutes. I don't think it's feasible to have to wait up to a minute between each click for the first five minutes or so, in case this information pop-up comes up (I have known it not appear at all).

    I am perfectly happy to take the hit, if I misclick - my error - which I have done with clearing spawned items or bushes, but this is something which BP have instigated.
    I would appreciate it if you could reverse this purchase - it must show on the database; or, just get the techs to stop this without confirmation.

    Chickster | ID 1610223
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please fill out a support request form so I can take a closer look.;)

    I will close as we will continue this via email.
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