update flash player?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DAVE111117, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    I got a message today that my flash player was out of date. So I have updated it twice and even had adobe check to see if I have the latest version and I do. But I am still getting the message your flash player is out of date every time I log on today. WHY????????
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am guessing you have more than one flash in your system. Flash does not always delete the older version when you install the new one, in that case you need to find the others and remove them so systems will only use the latest one.
    Many games will operate on older flash which is why they are not sending you that message.

    This is just a guess but I did log on as you and I do not get that message from your account so, sorry the problem is at your end.:(
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