Upgrades for power plants

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skippyroo1980, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. with the growth of the city and shore there is now areal need to be able to upgrade power stations possibly the coal fried and solar to start wit, this would give the mayors the opportunity to grow their cities at a better ratio to the power /population
  2. I sure support fried power plants. (to step into skb's shoes) :D :p :D
  3. brucenic

    brucenic User

    With the addition of the shore, upgradeable commercial and level 4 buildings, the need for upgradeable (or new) power plants is indeed pressing and overdue.

    I've posted elsewhere on this.

    There is scope for BP to give us choices of with different density/cost or mood loss with different power types, allowing us to pursue different strategies dependent on our goals for what our cities should be (and what we can afford!).

    This is an opportunity to add some depth to the game's strategy.
  4. With Beach city they already added 20 solar and 3 nuclear power plants. At about the same time I guess they included 2 small reactors as event price. :)
  5. only solar power i have seen is the ones that cost 30 mm each
  6. Yep, that's how you get your sollars. Excellent power/mood ratio though. :)
  7. this O/F pension cant afford too many of them though:(
  8. In that case let's hope for better days for Australien Cineplex. That would help you out. Hopefully your CH also gives you some MM occasionally.
  9. i received 5 mm 3 or 4 days ago :)
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