Upgrades on Emergency Service Personnel

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jrbelter, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. jrbelter

    jrbelter User

    My specialists in each of the 3 departments are not being promoted on schedule. I have rookie firefighters, police officers, and medical personnel at level 7 experience! I noticed this as I've been waiting for over a month for a rookie to be promoted so I can fire a lower experienced level person. My other specialists also are not being upgraded either. I have no idea why this is but all I want are for my personnel to be upgraded to their appropriate experience levels. Can someone look into this to see why my emergency service personnel are not being promoted at all? And if they should have been promoted, could you also upgrade them to the appropriate skill levels? Thank you.
  2. ERS personel promotion has no schedule and is completely random both in terms of when/if it happens and what type of specialisation rookie gets. It might be just a bad luck with the random generator.
    Other than that, let's see if tech support finds some bug in your game. For them to check your account it's usefull to post your game ID number visible at the top of your game window. :)
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Your account is working with no red blots to say there is an issue so it looks like you have just got a bunch of dummies that are slow learners...:rolleyes:.
    jrbelter likes this.
  4. jrbelter

    jrbelter User

    Too funny my friend, made me laugh.
  5. jrbelter

    jrbelter User

    account number is jrbelter | ID 5137507
  6. Errrrrrrrm ....... it's cool you like my post so much you qoted it twice, and cool you found your ID. But as you can see above tech support PirateLee has been able to find your account already, tested it, and suggests there is no tech problem. :)
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I do believe we are done here but does the OP have any more questions before I close.:D
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