Upgrading errors (Lumber Mmill and Brick Yard)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BrianSmith, Mar 11, 2016.

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  1. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User


    I have yet to receive the reward for upgrading my Lumber Mills and Brick Yards. Can someone explain why I am experiencing this issue? I apologize for posting this matter here, but I could not find any mention of this issue when I looked through the forum.

    Thank you in advance,

    Brian Smith
  2. G`day Brian, we will need to know what the exact name of your task is so that we can help you with this :)
  3. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Good evening Tassie-Devil,

    In the case of the Lumber Mill, the task was to build a second Lumber Mill (I have five). In the case of the Brick Yard, the task was to Upgrade Brick Yard.

    Brian Smith
  4. G`day Brian the following are the only active tasks that are running, neither of those that you have mentioned are in this list :rolleyes:
    Characteristics - Bronze954Runningy
    Crafty Beer1164Runningy
    Luxurious Life1216Runningy
    Ready for Work536Runningy
    Second Pillar1553Runningy
    Transform Into a Cosmopolitan City80Runningy
    Unhappy Residents!39Runningy
  5. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Good morning Tassie-Devil,

    I have no idea why they don't show to you, they are clearly visible on the left side of the screen (in the scrolling list of tasks to complete) and while I have completed those tasks, they remain on the list showing as uncompleted. It has me baffled.

    Brian Smith
  6. G`day Brian.
    I have reset your game hoping this may solve the problem. How ever you may have to clear your browser/flash cache etc and close down your computer before logging back into your game.
    Has this then resolved your problem.:)
  7. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Hello Tassie-Devil,

    I cleared the cache, shut down (not just restarted) the computer and the issue is still alive and well, unfortunately. I appreciate you looking into this matter.

    Thank you,

    Brian Smith
  8. Have you produced sufficient bricks to complete the brick a brac quest I see that you have only completed the first part of this quest
  9. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Yes sir, I have and then I upgraded my fifth Brick Yard. The funny (strange) thing about the Lumber Mill is that I had all five mills upgraded before I received the task to upgrade a Mill. Perhaps that is why I did not receive the reward for doing that upgrade.

    Brian Smith
  10. I have completed the brick a brac task, upgrade a brick yard is only part of that task, for you and your rewards are waiting for you to collect, however with your lumber mill quest I hope this is the right one as I do not want to mess with your game :rolleyes:
    I have looked at many tasks, so if I could have the correct name of the task and the requirements needed to complete it thanks :)
  11. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Good morning,

    Thank you for taking care of the Brick Yard issue, I appreciate your help.

    As for the Lumber Yard matter, it is simply "Build a second Lumber Mill", I have all five Lumber Mills now.

    Brian Smith
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    You don't seem to understand that the mods want the name of the task, visible by hovering of clicking on the icon, not just what it does. In your case, it should be Second Pillar, as per the above table. I know it may seem like it should be obvious, but there must be some reason they need it.
  13. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    To be truthful I never did notice that before. Thanks for pointing that out for me. It is Second Pillar.

    Brian Smith
  14. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you Arsuru and Brian. We try to interfer with a players game as little as possible. When one of the board administrator's or above go to a game and make changes or fix an issue. The perfect example of this is when a game gets reset.There is the potential to do more harm than good. Also several of the tasks sound very similar to each other. So thank you once again.
  15. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Okay, now that I understand the second pillar matter there has been no response for two days now. Another matter that I will have to discount as life is too short to worry about this any longer. Thank you for your assistance, I appreciate it.
  16. your rewards for this quest are now waiting for you to collect, is your problem now resolved:D
  17. BrianSmith

    BrianSmith User

    Thank you, all is good now in my little town.
  18. Nothing further closed :)
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