Using Suburb playfield?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Aug 29, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Now I got the Suburb playfield. What to do with it?

    Would it be stupid to use it as a storage for decorations and for commercial buildings that I do not use yet? I know there is at spot for 2 factoring buildings but those I have not money enough for yet...

    Concerning commercial buildings - am I right when I by ex all the vegetablestand allthough I do not need them - they give mood???
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Nothing is stupid. It's your city and you do with it what you like ;)

    You can of course store your extra deco there but soon you will need the space and you have to find some other solution
    By then you will want to replace that deco with deco which gives more mood than the ones you have now
    Commercial buildings that you don't use can be better stored in the inventory (goes for deco too)

    Try to reach the brewery and brickyard as soon as possible. The are already build en ready to use. And you can use the extra production capacity as you progress

    An extra vegetable stand gives extra mood, but upgrading one does the same and doesn't take extra space. Besides, it gives extra mood but ik costst ectra power. Consider your options and decide for yourself :)
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks for your advise. In my position just now I do not agre, but earlier some of you gave me some advises that too did not fit my posiition, but those advises I use now - and in fact it was for that reason I asked now - to be prepared for later.... But my biggest problem is just now - as for many people in real live - Money, Money, Money....
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Every one of us go through this stage. It is painful the way to deal with the lack of money is to make a plan, stick to it and do not get frustrated. There is a period in the game, usually from the mid twenties to the upper thirties level's, where your desires and cash do not match. As in everything in the game the way you handle it is up to you. Some people simple stop spending and just collect rent for a while, others slowly limp along trying to do everything at once. The choice is up to you. As BigWillem1 says it is your city do as you think best.