Feedback Valentine's Day

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by Artisan, Feb 8, 2016.

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  1. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    Hello Mayors!

    We would like you to give us your feedback about Valentine's Day Event.


    oie_OBmKNeFugIWe (2).png
  2. PirateLife

    PirateLife User

    Have not started it yet, but it looks very exciting. Thank you for the hard work.
  3. ckakeys

    ckakeys User

    The park shown above and sitting where the event center is located is very attractive. I would love to be able to buy it for my city. Please consider selling parks such as that, so we may make our cities more beautiful. It could be sold in the landscaping (flowers, trees, etc) category.
    reddly likes this.
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  5. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    It's exactly the same as last year's and te year before.
    Nothing new.:(
    It would have been nice if you could win a building to put in the moutain area of a boat for on the water.
    There I have got space to put something.

    But for the new players it's a nice event.
    ghellinga likes this.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Yes it is the same as the previous years. Just as almost all other events are the same as the time before. It takes a great deal of time, effort to change something ones it has been successful. Yes, I to would like to see some new items in the events. But, the event like this is a balancing act, it can not be to hard for the newbies to enjoy, but challenging enough to entice the more senior players. As the events go this is a good comprimise.
    ghellinga likes this.
  7. reddly

    reddly User

    This is my first Valentine's event, so pretty excited. Just starting it now, after finishing last event. I missed out last year. So I'll give it a go.
    I can understand the repetition of repeating events, but like what Billyjim has said it is a balancing act when it comes to adding different changes into the events. I'm very happy we were givin the valentine's event, as there was no Halloween or Christmas event. :D:D:D:D
    omadon likes this.
  8. omadon

    omadon User

    Event was fun, rewarding, and not too hard to finish. Thank you.

    Just one remark (suggestion). There are too many products from Farm.
    IMHO, it would be more interested if you had included Brickyard in the mix.
    That way, all 4 basic production facilities wold be used.
    reddly and s.c.lynx like this.
  9. I enjoyed the Valentine Event. I didnt get a chance to finish, but I look forward to the next one.
  10. Froznsaga

    Froznsaga User

    It says that the phone numbers in the 6th stage drop from ALL residents when collecting rent, but it seems to be random and definitely isn't coming from every resident.

    Froznsaga | ID 9605863
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    I would have already directed you to the same comments I assumed I made last year, as it hasn't changed, but I remembered that oddly, there wasn't a feedback thread. The only real issue with the event has been stated in some scattered comments, and that is that the rewards look like low-resolution modifications of the older Valentine's rewards the resolution being the only real problem as they don't look bad. I'd rather have the same old rewards than substandard substitutions to placate us in such a lull in any development, which be it the case or not is unfortunately how it feels.

    Other than that, it'd be nice to have some versions for higher levels, as usual. The event is otherwise fine and enjoyable.

    @Froznsaga Yes, they do drop from every type of resident, but it is random so they won't drop every single time. Generally, you get more drops from buildings with longer timers.
  12. reddly

    reddly User

    I never got to complete the event, but what I did get done I'm happy with. I enjoyed the event and now can't wait until the next big event. I hope it will be an Easter one.

  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It has traditionally been an easter event. But, we will have to wait and see. We have all ready lost a previous special event earlier this year. So here is keeping our fingers crossed.
    reddly likes this.