Variety in reward road tiles

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tamy, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I just started the circus event, and noticed one of the rewards would be, again, asphalt road tiles. I have nothing against them, but they were given as a reward in a number of other events. Would it be possible to vary the tiles? I have 350 something asphalt tiles, but could use more turf and tarred road, for instance. I am sure other players would have their favorites, so changing the type occasionally would make more people happy -- and this is what the events are for, right?
    AldoTF03 likes this.
  2. Yes, paved squares please. :)
  3. yes a change would be nice:)
  4. brucenic

    brucenic User

    paved squares for me too:)
  5. LoveWinter

    LoveWinter User

    Winterfest going on now will give 25 turf if your level 25 and over and pass stage 5
  6. Yes, and glad for that. Every change/variation is welcomed. :)
  7. 25 more piers would be better than turf:D
  8. Tamy

    Tamy User

    That's my point: everyone needs a different type of tiles, so they should be varied from time to time.
    lordrick65 likes this.
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