
Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by BigWillem1, Jun 27, 2016.

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  1. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    What's up with the "you have to wait xx seconds before making another post"?
    Is that recent? I haven't noticed it before until recently
    I understand it's to prevent spam, but it is quite a long time (25-30 seconds).
    Does it have to be that long?
  2. G`day Willem, we have notice this over the past week or so and will look into it further, it appears to be only in one or two threads
    can you update us as to which thread it occurs in and can you try and wait 5 seconds before you hit the post reply tab :)
  3. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    Well, I noticed it in Speakers Corner, because my posts don't take that long to write in those topics :). But I just tested it in this topic and it hapened here as well.
    I suppose it is a global setting for the complete forum

    It said: wait 24 seconds. I waited about 10 seconds and tried again It said: wait 11 seconds. I waited another while and tried again. My post went through.
  4. jelly999

    jelly999 User

    The same problem is to me:(
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    It's just part of the forum software. I've had it happen to me before (here and other sites using the same software), so it isn't new; it's probably just the recent Rally Post and other high-frequency topics such as games that make it more noticeable.
  6. Thank everyone Arsuru is right, we all just have to wait a few seconds before hitting the enter key :p
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