Weekly Poll (25.02.2014)

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by -Wizz-, Feb 25, 2014.

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Which is your favorite (Weekly) Quest?

Poll closed Mar 2, 2014.
  1. 1. Classic Car Rally

    8 vote(s)
  2. 2. Ancient Festival

    18 vote(s)
  3. 3. Wood Chopping Competition

    10 vote(s)
  4. 4. Flea Market

    11 vote(s)
  5. 5. Biker Rally

    3 vote(s)
  6. 6. Children’s Festival

    7 vote(s)
  7. 7. Artists’ Expo

    5 vote(s)
  8. 8. Circus

    4 vote(s)
  9. 9. Farmer’s Market

    0 vote(s)
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  1. If you're willing to share, Skippy, I'm probably a bit prettier than Mungo is! Tee hee hee!
  2. :) very true wildheart, we can do 60/40 then maybe in time this might be a feature in the game;)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  3. Well, I guess I could share (if I must)! LOL!
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please stay on topic.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  5. sleepylee

    sleepylee User

    Hi Mayors,this is a good Poll question,but needs more depth. I have several opinions regarding the Events. Firstly i find the level splits to be poor,for example all event levels are 8 - 14 & 15 -50 only,except the Ancient Festival which has splits of 8 - 14,15 - 19, 20 - 24 & 25 -50. I think all events should be divided into 5 levels,8-14,15-19, 20-28, 29-39 & 40-50 as this would give a greater scope for the allocation of better prizes as you progress to higher levels in the game. For example i am currently on level 38 and have been given the opportunity of winning the top prizes such as 2 Zeus statues,Circus Wagons,Dream Garages,Log Cabins and the totally ridiculous Expressionist Villa as the main prize at least 10 times each now,i have enough log cabin permits to start a Lumberjack City on it's own. I also believe it is time to say goodbye to the building upgrades as prizes. Again for example, the current event the Wood Chopping Event contains as prizes stage 1, 2 Dishwashers,stage 2, 2 grills and stage 3, 2 pool tables. These i consider to be a very poor award for the amount of Beams and logs needed to complete the challenge,all these upgrades are available to purchase for small amounts of CC's if a player so desires anyway,not that they upgrade a building much in the first place and are a nuisance to keep changing after their time limit expires.I know this sounds like the rantings of an angry Politician but i think they are points that need addressing. There are some GOOD prizes,such as Solar Panels and CC's in the Flea Market,Reactor permits in the Circus event and apart from "The Expressionist Villa" there are some nice awards in the Artist Week event. The Classic Car prizes of Radio Towers and Gas Pumps with the main prize another Dream Garage are not so hot either and as far as "The Bikers Rally" event,well that needs expunging from the list of events ASAP. Finally,as i have read from other players posts even though i am a level 38 player it would be nice to be able to win "The Rustic Windmill" and the "Adventure playground" as my level was to high to play for when they became available. So in summary,the level splits,the prizes available to win and the complete change of all parts of the Bikers Rally event in my opinion,are the main factors that need inspecting. Many thanks to all those that had the patience to read and consider the points i have raised in this essay,i wish you much success and enjoyment of Rising your Cities,it is mostly an excellent game to play, yours at great length, Mayor Sleepylee. :rolleyes:

    ( OK Nortoncommander,pick the bones out of that,and i will promise to value any opinions you have,maybe ;) ). :):):) ID: 4809509
    QueenVee, juli1308, dahlinaah and 2 others like this.

  6. this is a excellent post seepy thanks for the time and thought put into this.
    the bikers rally definately needs to be buried also the new levels for all events implemented asap:):)
    QueenVee likes this.
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Well said sleepylee, the whole event prizes and effort ratios needs to be reworked and you have several excellent ideas. Way to go.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  8. I second that, skippy! I think he's pretty much right on the money! I also agree with billyjim.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    so +25 mood deco for 10-20k is bad how?
    emergency items are great decorations! ...cheap.

    added: i think you shouldn't dismiss the event right away. high level decorations cost a little fortune.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
    dahlinaah likes this.
  10. After a long "break" I'm doing Artist's week again. Mainly for the 90 Experience reward as I'm rushing to Nuclear Powerplants. But 880 boulder drops, man, that's insane, really. I don't mind student drops although playing non-ERS city as I can easily switch some houses to students. But that last stage with nearly 900 drops meaning roughly 2500 mouse clicks, is just a killer. :D :rolleyes: :D Programming an event like that is, I think, close to capital offence in gaming. :)

    As you say. Every obsession crazy event like that can be easily adjusted by changing rewards and need levels to be more user friendly. Even if it has to be done in several consecutive steps until both players and developpers are happy with the result. :)
    QueenVee likes this.
  11. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Hello Mayors,

    Thank you for your votes and comments.

    Here are the international results:

    Which is your favorite (Weekly) Quest?
    Classic Car Rally61
    Ancient Festival316
    Wood Chooping Competition126
    Flea Market414
    Biker Rally57
    Childrens Festival122
    Artists Expo82
    Farmers Market71
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