What did you recieve from your Christmas tree

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by skippyroo1980, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. 500XP and 5 vitamin X
    captain123456 likes this.
  2. piche413

    piche413 User

    4600 XP
    captain123456 likes this.
  3. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Production points and a Looot ticket (yay)...plus exp.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
    captain123456 likes this.
  4. Mac_1969

    Mac_1969 User

    3300 XP today, and 3300 XP yesterday.
    captain123456 likes this.
  5. 330xp plus 100 pp
    captain123456 likes this.
  6. yesterday 3x 6200 xp
    today 3x 1 master keys
    captain123456 likes this.
  7. piche413

    piche413 User

    I finally got 70 MM from the tree
    captain123456 and honeywest like this.
  8. honeywest

    honeywest User

    3200 experience points for me yesterday and today. Movin' on up... ;)
    captain123456 likes this.
  9. piche413

    piche413 User

    1 vitamin-x
    captain123456 likes this.
  10. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Just exp and production points today, but needed them so :)
    captain123456 likes this.
  11. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Have had a run of Master Keys and EP, both of which I needed. No more MM for the moment but that's ok, it will come around again. Besides, am buying come payday so don't need MM at present. *pats trees* Good trees:D
    captain123456 likes this.
  12. piche413

    piche413 User

    More experience points.
    captain123456 likes this.
  13. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Just experience points today as well....but not going to cut down me trees anytime soon :rolleyes: After all, they were good trees all last month (they deserve a rest) ;)
    captain123456 likes this.
  14. piche413

    piche413 User

    Maybe MM today
    captain123456 likes this.
  15. piche413

    piche413 User

    70 MM today.
    captain123456 likes this.
  16. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Experience points....must need to water me tree:p
    captain123456 likes this.
  17. piche413

    piche413 User

    1 vitamin-x
    captain123456 likes this.
  18. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I would like a Christmas Tree :(
    captain123456 likes this.
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You will have to wait for December and hope they offer one again this year. They did offer one as a bonus code as a gift to all players December 2014
    captain123456 and Andrewjf like this.
  20. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    We have "Christmas in July" here for all the Ex Pat's benefit.... nudge nudge wink wink Bigpoint ;)
    kahlistarr likes this.
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