what is weekly quest

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Amna11ashraf, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. I am on the last round of mystery challenge for my residential buildings.. now its coming "Collect rent while on a weekly quest" so what exactly is weekly quest?
  2. The weekly quest is actually the events which appear usually twice per week at the Event Plaza.

    The FAQ about these events is <<Here>>.
    Amna11ashraf likes this.
  3. So whatif i dont complete those challenges?

    What if i dont complete those challenges? because they are really hard for me right now
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2014
  4. If you don't participate in the events, then you won't be able to complete the mastery challenge.

    However, if you do compete in the event, for that particular mastery challenge will matter only the event stages where it requires residential drop. The drop also depends on the rent time. If the building have a lower rent timer, few or none drop will be added to your inventory, making the mastery challenge even challenging.

    Furthermore, it depends on what type of citizens that building have, since some events require only worker drop, or capitalists at one stage.

    Also, you won't be able to complete the mastery challenge during one event. So it's a long term challenge.

    L.E. Please, try not to double-post. Use "Edit" button if you want to add something. :)
  5. oh.. i better stop playing this game :( anyways thankyou

    Oops sorry .. i was thinking u dint get my first message
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  6. This game is a patience game. My advice: take it slow and enjoy it. It doesn't matter if now you're considering that some things are hard for you. Just let them as they are and move forward. There will be more buildings to built in the future, so you'll have plenty of action!

    Since it was posted, it meant it's shown for everyone to see :)
    Also you can try to refresh this page and, if the message is still here, then it was posted successfully !
  7. Thankyou so much:)
    daniel23492 likes this.
  8. You're welcome !
    Feel free to ask again in the future if you don't understand something :)
  9. Yeah sure :)
  10. And don't give up ! :)
  11. u are a player or from administration or something?
  12. Just a simple player :)
  13. On which level?
  14. I'm currently at level 50. But there's plenty of action even here :)
    And I played for 2 years. That's why I said it's a patience game ;)
  15. OMG .. thats cool!!
  16. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    Sorry to interrupt, but what Daniel is saying is not completely correct.
    When it says "Collect rent while on a weekly quest" you only have to collect rent while you have the event active. When is states "collect drop items during the event" it will be like Mr Daniel describes.
    daniel23492 likes this.
  17. Yeap, it sure is !

    Oops...yeah, that part slipped my mind. Thanks for the attention.
    Also, drop the "Mr." part. You make me feel old :)
  18. What? I am confused :( even if i wont complete the event challenge still then i would be able to complete the mystery challenge?
    That "Mr" was supposed to be sarcastic i guess :p
  19. Yes. It doesn't matter if you don't complete the event, because the progress you've made during that event will remain.

    For example:
    You have a 3 hours building and the mastery challenge is "Collect rent while on a weekly quest ", then, during those three days you will collect rent from that house let's say 12 times. Then, after the event will be over, you will still have those 12 rents collected so, when the next event will begin, you will have 12/X.

    If it is "collect drop items during the event", then only during the drop challenge of the event you will be able to move forward with the mastery quest. And, let's say, if during one event you get 10 drops from that building, then on the next event which require a resident drop you will begin from 10/x.
    Amna11ashraf likes this.
  20. Cassie666

    Cassie666 User

    No, just good old fashioned politeness ;)
    daniel23492 likes this.
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