What to produce?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nennesby, Mar 3, 2017.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I have calculated on some productions. Let me make an example:

    Panelling: Lasts 6 h, Produce 48 pieces, costs at market 1953 coins/ piece. You earn 15.624 coins/hour. But you use 367 productionpoints/hour doing that and that equal 367 coins.
    Producing panelling gives you netto: 15.257 coin/hour.
    Cork: Same calculation. Producing cork gives you netto: 31.227 c/h

    I have not yet calculated the gained experience... and the calculation is more complicated with ex. the bakeries that uses ex. wheat...

    Someone interested in the generel result?
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