What we dislike about the cineplex

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by billyjim, Aug 11, 2015.

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  1. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This thread is for discussing situations arising from the Cineplex. So please post what makes you discouraged about the Cineplex.

    Some general information:
    1. The Cineplex is controlled by an outside vendor(s) and Big Point and Rising Cities has no control over the content and the rewards.
    2. History of rewards from the Cineplex. The Cineplex originally ran three ads for five MM's each; then about two years ago went up to a potential ten videos for five MM's each; About a year ago the ten video max stayed but we now earn only three MM's each.
    3. The number of videos available varies depending on where you live.
    So lets hear the complaints and hear them loud. :D
    reddly and Tobbe61 like this.
  2. weenie

    weenie User

    1. half the time it wont start and you end up with a blank screen,
    2. other times you sit through a 1-3 min ad only to find it wont credit you for it
    3. lately its not working at all and hasn't been for me for over 2weeks!

    there must be something that can be done!!!
  3. qwertz111

    qwertz111 User

    I dislike that there is no return button anywhere so I have to log off from the game everytime I open it.
    Estrid, reddly and Tobbe61 like this.
  4. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    A small correction, if I recall correctly. First it was 3x1 MM, then 3x5 (or was it 15 already?) after the currency rework, then 10x15, then they cut it 10x5, and there was outrage. Though the amount is not entirely unfair I find, the cost of lotteries and the poor chances of winning are, so that put a damper on my use of those features as the cinema offset the cost.

    I do think BP can control the amount rewarded though. That last cut just felt like a they were trying to encourage buying MM directly, which isn't bad, but with things as they are, I don't think it was a good move. If they need funding that badly they should fix the game first so that people feel confident giving them any. I live in France so I can't complain much about the availability since there are almost always ads. Though there are problems with them working, there is usually another to replace it eventually.

    With the state of the game though, advertisers might not find much market here. CfA's have pretty much died, for example, but those have been like that for a long time. All I have are shady offers for file-sharing sites and things that want your phone number. :rolleyes:

    It's there, just difficult to click.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    qwertz111, reddly and Tobbe61 like this.
  5. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    I agree to 100% with weenie. Its a serious problem and its so irretating that I consider to quit the game and look for other City creating games. Tassie-devil, please make the cineplex works.
  6. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    I agree with billyjim. For a short time there was 15 MM payed for each film. tassie-devil, please Get this back!
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Arsuru you could be right I was depending on my memory. At that time it the MM's value was in flux. It was just after the discontiuation of Xpresso's. So I think the number fluxuated for a couple of weeks. As the "Powers that Be" figured it all out. Three videos for 1 MM was before my time, I do remember the total for the 3 for 5 is 15. Then 10 for 5 came to 50, and now the max is 10 for 3 for 30.

    Thanks everyone I agree with everything being said.

    qwertz111 check out this thread it has a a solution to your problemL https://board-en.risingcities.com/posts/880948/

    You may have to read through a bit of chatter but it does have workable solutions for finding the close button.

    I found an even better thread with pictures :)

    I hope these help
    qwertz111, reddly and Tobbe61 like this.
  8. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Further a day of many days cineplex not work.
  9. weenie

    weenie User

    hover near to the log off button and youll find a "close" button which takes you back to the game rather than having to log off
    qwertz111 and Tobbe61 like this.
  10. reddly

    reddly User

    I find the cineplex very frustrating and have stopped using the it now, as a couple of months ago it was playing well. But now I just get a blank screen. If players have already complained about the close button being hidden, or the fact that it works in some countries and not others, or the amount of MM's it gives out, over pasts posts and nothing has been done about it. So it seems to me that the cineplex is not a major concern for the "powers that be".
    Tobbe61 likes this.
  11. garry58

    garry58 User

    Do advertisers really think you would buy their product when the small in game reward does not happen most times??
    Tobbe61 likes this.
  12. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Every day since Cineplex was changed to 5 mm instead of 15MM as it has been really problems with the movies. Usually I do not get paid for them. Without keeping statistics as average 5 times per day since February (7x30x5x5MM = 5250MM). As I have probably figured low if I count all the troubles over the last year. This is to fool players. We fooled to look at advertising without getting something for it, in the belief that we will get the Metro Money. Even today fooled me at MM.
    reddly likes this.
  13. Yes the cineplex has had its problems for well over a year that is when i bulldozed it there are higher value decorations that you can replace it with
  14. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Tobbe since your complaint is about not receiving rewards for watching videos. Your complaining to the wrong people you need to complain to the advertisers and marketing people who control the videos and awards.
  15. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Well. The Cineplex is a part of the game and my opinion is that BIG POINT then owns the problem. Iv been reported this problem as a Game problem via Question (?) mark in the game. Is there a other way to do it? Is there a other procedur I dont know? If my tires on my car dont full fill normal expectations or demands shall I then complain to GoodYear insted of the dealer that sold them to me? Or, if my backup battery in my PC dont work, shall I then complain to Siemens insted of the dealer that sold the PC to me? You cant be serious!
  16. billyjim

    billyjim User

    They are the ones who built your tires or batteries. They also are the ones who gave you the warranties on these products. Your dealer may or may not act as a middleman. Do you blame the delivery company when the product is not acceptable
  17. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    We should complain to everyone, actually, as they are all parts in a system. I'm under the impression that BP is supposed to be working with advertisers to fix the issues. Wasn't there a thread around for reporting specific ads that don't work? French board has one, anyway. It would seem that info is then passed on to, I assume, whoever oversees the contracts, because I don't imagine we can have much influence or direct contact as the ads pass through several levels. There is no support like there is with the Cash for Action either.

    All of my CfAs have disappeared since my above post and I have much less consistent ads at the cinema. Maybe I should just shut my mouth for once. :rolleyes: At least the shady offers are gone.

    The advertisers are not selling anything (but ads), and the people that make the products advertised have absolutely nothing to do with you getting your MM or not. You can't justly blame anyone but the ad-serving agency, and perhaps BP. Not buying a product because you don't get compensated for watching a commercial won't really accomplish anything. It's kind of like shooting the author of the message because the messenger screwed-up. It's an association fallacy.

    Refusing to watch an ad that doesn't work might help. At least I my experience, if an ad fails to credit, it's always an issue with the ad and it will almost invariably continue to fail until it is removed. If you can see a preview before, just close it, and usually a new one will replace it eventually, if only temporarily. I almost wonder if they don't do it on purpose to keep their ad circulating longer or something, depending on how things get tracked, or maybe it's expired and hasn't been properly removed, as such ads tend to appear when there isn't something new. Honestly though, the code can't be complicated…
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
    billyjim likes this.
  18. Tobbe61

    Tobbe61 User

    Well well. It seems that the responsible for the game dont do nothing to at least tell us when the problem with cineplex will bi fixed. And until the problem is solved, players pay real money in the game for a game that does not work and does not seem to be developed.
  19. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    @Tobbe61 Well, it works for me, usually. Plus they got the close button fixed along with several other bugs. So it seems they indeed "don't do nothing".
  20. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I was not going to comment. But want to remind Tobbe61 the ads are regionally based so a problem that occurs in your targeted market may not be in another or any other. So to comment on a system wide scale to a local problem is not reasonable. But thanks for the feed back and have passed the information along.
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