Where can I find

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Cezar55., Aug 6, 2017.

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  1. Cezar55.

    Cezar55. User

    When you win items in the loot-A-Matic, where do they go?
  2. All items are stored in your designer depot :)
  3. Cezar55.

    Cezar55. User

    I looked and nothing is there. But, there should be many items.
  4. Can you please let us know what it was that you think you won and also the date and approx. time please
  5. ziadelali

    ziadelali User

    like what ? if you got like buildings improvements they will be in another place
  6. If you win a prefab or any other item, all will be in your designer depot
  7. Cezar55.

    Cezar55. User

    I won terraced row house today. I can't remember all the other items I won.

    The home improvements are all there.
  8. Please do not double post thankyou.
    All items that you may win are located in your designer depot
    The other thing that you have not mentioned was, did you win a permit to build or a completed building
  9. do I win the building or just the opportunity to buy one?
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    That depends on the offer in the loot-o-matic. Most of the time you win a building permit not the building itself. There are a very few times you win an actual building, but is very rare. Look at the background color: If the background is blue you are getting a permit; If the back ground is buff (that is the official name for the color, I call it gold) then you are receiving the actual item.