♫ Where, oh Where Have Production Points Gone? ♫

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MI.Calgon, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    ;) Looks like I get the honor of posting the first thread for a tech issue on the new forum.
    My issue is that my PP have again seemed to disappear to almost nothing while I believe they should be higher. At this moment, I am down to 321 points. After logging on a few moments ago, I started production on 3 of my brickyards to use a total of 2,250 PP. I thought I had about 6,000 to 7,000 before I logged off earlier today.
    So, I'm not sure if it's the frigid temps here in my area or my blonde roots affecting my memory...maybe even perhaps it's that infamous thief about whom I read on the previous forum...whatever the case may be, if any mods or tech staff have any idea where my PP may have gone, please let me know. :)
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please always post your ID when u ask a game or tech related question or need assistance, so we can help.
  3. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    :oops: Apologies...I completely forgot...need to add it as a signature line.
    RCID: 6909312
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You actually have more than 70 entries for using PP yesterday here is a sample:-
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 23:00:36-750
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 23:00:33-750
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 23:00:22-750
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 23:00:14-1100
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 23:00:09-750
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 15:31:08-75
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 15:31:03-75
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 15:30:58-50
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 15:06:49-1100
    ProductionPointsproduction . start . currencyproduction29.11.2013 15:06:43-750
    When I add them up there are more that 8000 used and only one entry of 1200 in that period.
    Hope that helps.
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  5. leeann72

    leeann72 User

    Hi I know this is supposed to be a reply, but I have to ask. Where do I collect pp points?
  6. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    From collecting rent (assuming their needs are met) usually but also taking part in events, loot-o-matic tokens, shooting stars etc.

    The link below goes into greater detail regarding the first part.

  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks Mr Mungo I left this one open by mistake but your answer is as always helpful.
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