Where to find awarded buildings/decor

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by malfoyette, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. malfoyette

    malfoyette User

    Hi, how to I place the buildings or decorations I have received from quests, etc?
    I've tried to go to designer depot (ended up paying), using the move tool to access my inventory, and looking in the warehouse. Can't seem to find my "free" buildings/decor in there.
    Edit: Read some previous posts... Did I get a permit to build them, not the actual items, instead?
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    "Did I get a permit to build them, not the actual items, instead?"
    That's 100% correct.
    All permits go to designer depot. Won permits often (not always) have yellow background. They can bee a bit tricky to find the first times as they are mixed with your old ones, often where there was none before.
    Fire/medic/police is under Special.

    If you still cant find them post here again with your game ID.
    The game ID is the number that shows up when you log into the game near your user like this:

  3. malfoyette

    malfoyette User

    Thank you! Sometimes I see "Place it!" which requires no further construction steps after finding the building in the designer depot.
    So for the others which I've been having trouble finding, it actually means I will still need to pay, provide the beams, lumber, bricks, etc right? (Eh, not much of a reward...)
  4. some building rewards are free and others like the coal fired power plant etc you need to pay for and build does that help you:)
  5. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Actually, if you run out of power another power plant permit *is* quite a reward, even if you need to pay and provide resources to build it.
    I remember complaints of advanced players (during prehistory, i.e. more than half a year ago) who could not develop their cities because they ran completely out of power plan permits. My city grew only after these permits were introduced as event rewards, and I never had this problem.
  6. Thanks for the inputs ladies and gents.
    If you win an item in an event, or during a quest, the permit always goes straight into your Designer Depot in the relevant section.

    It's worth remembering that you win the permit, not the building. Some buildings require various building materials.

    The thread is slowly starting to creep off-topicish, but please feel free to open a thread in "Speakers Corner" if you wish to discuss more.

    Thread now locked.
  7. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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