Where's my energy?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeanne411, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. jeanne411

    jeanne411 User

    I should have very high energy, but after rearranging things, I have "very low" energy use. All my power plants are on roads. I can't see what the problem is. Please help! I've already lost production!

    This is in the following game account:

    LaPaz411 | ID 5562178

    Edit: I replaced a segment of asphalt street with a segment of unpaved road, and now I've got my energy back.

    Please fix this bug!
    BrettBod likes this.
  2. bonjohn

    bonjohn User

    This is very bad, jeanne411 !
    CaanJ player has the same problem a month ago, and BigPoint still did not help him.

    "I started shifting the city and in the meantime, I noticed that the energy is reduced significantly: eek: without energy buildings destroyed or of no time!"

    Write to Support and happy holidays!
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    All you need to do is clear your cache or log out switch off and and switch back on again.
    During very busy times your system is not updating the data quick enough hence the appearance of a problem.
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

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