Where's my mood?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeanne411, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. jeanne411

    jeanne411 User

    Now, all of a sudden, my mood has dropped to 62% from over 75% mood gains divided by mood losses. This has put me under my 100% population!

    The only change I made was to start construction on two buildings - a power plant and the designer apartment I just won. Those will not deplete my mood until they are constructed!!

    WHAT is going ON?

    Please fix!

    Edit: This is for
    LaPaz411 | ID 5562178
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Your logs show you have just created 3 buildings but only 2 are construction sites:-

    CityCreditsbuilding . create_place . currencyvirtual24.12.2013 19:21:31-25000
    Experiencebuilding . create_placexp24.12.2013 19:21:311250
    CityCreditsbuilding . create_place . currencyvirtual24.12.2013 19:16:52-25000
    Experiencebuilding . create_placexp24.12.2013 19:16:521250
    Experiencebuilding . create_constructionxp24.12.2013 19:15:42250
    Goodsbuilding . create_construction . building . 281 . 110431 . goodBeams24.12.2013 19:15:42-300
    CityCreditsbuilding . create_place . currenc

    Everything else looks in order so is this what you are looking for?.
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