Which houses does the commercial buildings suply?

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by nennesby, Jul 22, 2016.

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  1. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Is there anywhere I can see which comercial buildings that suply which type of houses and at what level? - or do I just have to try upgrading the different types?
  2. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    Thanks - I needed it so much but never found it;-)
  4. Flowerheir

    Flowerheir User

    On the forum front page if you scroll down a little, there are different links to FAQs (they're not really FAQs in the traditional sense, but there are all sorts of stats tables that are useful, and I go there all the time). If you go in under Playfield, Houses & Decoration > Residential Buildings there are stats for every kind of house, and also links to Needs / Mastery for each house type, which is the way I usually go in when I need it. (Just so perhaps you won't need to come back to this thread the next time you need to find info on Needs :))

    Figuring out how to find things in the FAQ section takes a little bit of getting used to, but it's really handy to have all the tables there.
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you BigWillem1 and Flowerheir for the timely information. nennesby is there anything else we can help you with? If so just create a new thread. We are closing this thread question answered. We love the way the community helps out.
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