White screen.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xaviersxmen, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. Now the movie thing is soing something new its going to a white screen and nothing else. I just lost 2 MM from this. I sure hope they fix this soon.
    anrra likes this.
  2. anrra

    anrra User

    it is a general problem, i am from Romania, the game is not functional for more than 2 hours
    I thought it was a local issue, but apparently it is not so
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We all do and I know the team want it to work more than anything.
  4. anrra

    anrra User

    yes you are right, but i'm very anxious for fix that problem ...
  5. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    In the last 2 days I've had 4 of the white screens. In every single instance, I just waited for approximately 3 minutes (yes minutes) and the little button appeared to get the reward. I clicked on it and got my MM.

    So, folks slow down. Let the white screen stay there a while before you give up on it. Heck, go get a sandwich and come back.

    I'm actually getting to like the Cinema.
  6. No the white screen ONLY! No button or anything was there just the white screen and I did leave it.
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please dont confuse the situation with the Romanian server which has issues unrelated to the Cinema.
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