
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Joey77, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Bleh, I'm tired of trying the loot-o-junk it. I've been playing it for months and never get any houses. One time it landed on a house but the bonus ticket bumped it to a the next one, giving me another pizza gallery. Up to 6 pizza galleries now, too bad I won't ever use them! :mad:

    Also I never see anything good, and if there is it's not going to land on it for me. It just lands on a worthless prizes every time. I give up! :confused:
  2. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I just tried the same thing. Tellus, you're exactly right. You get crap on the wheel and it stays there until you clear it with a spin. Then you may get something worth trying for in the next arrangement. 'Tis a bit annoying.
  3. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Its like you buy a ticket in a 1.000.000$ lottery and they say, "to bad but you are one of the selected for our 100$ lottery". "Feel free to buy one more ticket thx", yeah right like I would.
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