will not lode past bluepirnt screen.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sams264227011a, Mar 17, 2016.

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  1. Ceared brouser history ect.reset game please. ID 8766353
  2. Same here. I got booted out of server at 8:44p.m. California time. Will NOT let me or my wife back in.

    LiberaGrandpa | ID 9173057
  3. on eastern stand. time hear. was hoping to finish easter event.
  4. On the initial screen it won't load past the house......the tomato doesn't even come up now. You need that to get the playfield screen to come up.

    LiberaGrandpa | ID 9173057
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Is this still going on? I have logged in from the US East Coast no issues at 11:30 PM 03/16/2016
  6. yes still not getting in12;32
  7. yes 9:34p.m.

    LiberaGrandpa | ID 9173057
  8. Welp

    Welp User

    Been trying for half an hour. i cant get in either
  9. I have Mailed the devs, hopefully they will sort out the issue quickly

    Watch this space for further info :)
  10. Xioliablue

    Xioliablue User

    can you please reset game ID 9600268 (loading issues). Thank you.
  11. I just tried to play the game on Microsoft Edge..........same problem.........So it HAS to be Big Points server. Maybe they should have different servers for different areas like they have for their space pilot game.

    LiberaGrandpa | ID 9173057
  12. thanks devil. guess ill have to try game in morning. was hoping too get the easter event done. Quick so I could use new bakery in the rock fest.
  13. fx4life

    fx4life User

    I know I am supposed to start my own thread but since a few people are complaining about the same issue as I am about to I am taking the liberty to jump in:) Please forgive my presumptuous nature:rolleyes:
    So, obviously, cleared the browser/flash cache and local ISP is working fine but the game halts at the same blue screen. Kindly advice.

    fx4life|ID 1416725
  14. wow looks like we may have a beginning of 2015 glitch here then I blamed the south Korean's. this time i'll blame the trump protesters.
  15. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Just to let those that saw hope in my earlier posting. I am now unable to log in at 1:30 AM 17.03.2016. Maybe we have a leprechaun working on us all this fine St Patrick's morning.

    For this one incident only, please post in this thread so we can see all of the issues in one place. This appears to be a wide spread issue. Thank you.

    :D May the luck of the Irish be with all of you today.
  16. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Hate to sound like a broken record but my game wont load past the house on the blueprint page either. I was kicked out around 9pm PST and haven't been able to log on since.

  17. Not able to login.................
    Hope for a quick solution

    ID 8718776
  18. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Still down? It's now 07:20 CET, loading screen still won't load the tomato to go to the main page.
  19. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    Same problem here, only blue screen is showing

    ID 5218933
  20. Coming on to 3.5 hrs. since being knocked offline by the server. Maybe in my a.m. it will allow me to login and complete the Easter Challenge.

    LiberaGrandpa | ID 9173057
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