Winterfest prizes not the same as in the FAQ

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by super_emu, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. super_emu

    super_emu User

    The event is showing certain prizes but I am getting different prizes in game. For example, instead of 10K PP I got a couple espressos.
  2. Are you sure you are looking at all prizes received for a completed stage?

    For example on levels 15-19, on completion of stage two you receive 2,000 exp, 10,000 pp and 5 x-presso.
  3. super_emu

    super_emu User

    Yes for my level stage 2, I should have received PP as one of the prizes, I did not. The lower stages prizes did not match the FAQ.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Event rewards are set by the level you are when you start it.
    You have been awarded 15 X-presso as stage 2 reward for range 20-24 players.
  5. super_emu

    super_emu User

    So my range is 20-24.

    What it says:
    1=XP, EP, improvements
    2=XP, PP, improv

    What I got:
    1=improv, coins, XP
    2=improv, espresso, XP

    I'm fine with the difference, I'm just wondering why it happened (like is the FAQ wrong?)
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    FAQ has been corrected.
    Thank you for pointing this out.
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