Winterfest Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Blaze-, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. -Blaze-

    -Blaze- User

    I'm up to the cookie challenge. The first time I made the cookies they vanished. I couldn't turn them in after making them. I tried a second time and it happened again. Is this a known bug or what?
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    This is not a known issue so please post your user id along with your questions so we can investigate.
    Also please let us know what steps did you take in making the cookies.
  3. -Blaze-

    -Blaze- User


    My user id is -Blaze-

    I clicked the bread factory, then ok'd the cookies production. I used the expresso to cut the timer to get it as close to an hour as I could. I can't remember how many.

    I did the same thing both times.

    When I harvested the cookies both times they just vanished.

    When I got on this morning, I had 1 cookie in storage which is weird since I had 0 yesterday after I harvested them.

    I'm out expresso for attempts with 3 factories, as well as the service points it takes to start them.

    As far as the cookies go, I only have one.

    All three backeries are lvl 1.
  4. What is all this debate about ? Winterfest has no event items produced in bakeries. Cookies drop from houses when collecting rent. :rolleyes: So where is the catch? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2014
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    The game ID is the number that shows up when you log into the game near your user like this:

  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Ok I am lost first up the cookie is a drop item in this quest you cannot bake it.

    Also I checked your logs for the past week just in case something weird had happened and you have not produced any cookies at any time since last Sunday.

    Finally you do not have any cookies in storage the counter says nil, you have a large picture of a cookie which is greyed you as you have none in stock.

    Please advise.
  7. -Blaze-

    -Blaze- User

    that really weird. I did have the ability to bake cookies which is why I thought that the cookies were there. I try to bake them. This is really weird. It's gone now.
  8. -Blaze-

    -Blaze- User

    I did get cookies from the residents today. it is really weird.
  9. Just a wild guess: Might have been cache doing it's magic displaying a wrong picture inside bakery, while you actually produced one of the regular bakery items.

    Whatever it was, it seems sorted for you now, doesn't it?

    To avoid confusion in future it might help to check FAQ of the event before doing it. It details all the necessary info including what is produced or dropped from where.
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please dont misunderstand me I totally believe you. As our friend Norton says we do get some really weird display issues when the team are working on things.
    This is not the first of this type of report which is why I go into each account and check everything.:D:D:D

    Anyway all's well that ends well.:rolleyes:
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