Won´t complete upgrade

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PTS100, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. PTS100

    PTS100 User

    I seem to have a issue upgrading my Energy Efficient Row House

    It just keeps repeating step 3 instead of doing step 4
    This is on the level 3 upgrade 250 bricks

    The last time I tried it was about 11.30am GMT.

    Can you please look into this for me?


    PTS100 | ID 6065652
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You only have 14 cement and the building needs 500 cement so each time you click it just goes back to the build symbol.

    I did check and you have not lost any goods to this building but I must ask our devs to give a pop up that says you are out of goods instead of just looping.
  3. PTS100

    PTS100 User

    Hi Pirate..

    It is looking like it was a display issue.
    It needed Cement but was asking for Bricks.

    Anyway its all sorted so please feel free to close the thread.


    PTS100 | ID 6065652
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks for letting me know.:)
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