Would You Like Points Change Production / Training by CityCredits

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Axy365, May 15, 2014.

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You Like Points Change Production / Training by CityCredits

  1. yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Axy365

    Axy365 User

    Hello, I suggest you place a market exchange rate we can all change.


    For CityCredits

    Ex: 2x 1, 1 million points of production by half a million CityCredits thus the house never loses

    something to help us out of many millions of points of production that are accumulating example my city and have to date almost 5 million

    Ted65 likes this.
  2. I'm OK with my milions of PP. Actually before pricing rework I depleated all the stock to near zero using X-pressos on brick yards, so I only have one milion at the moment. I think exchanging PP for CC is a bit boring and hopefully, in some distant future, the team will come up with a more creative solution. But I don't expect that happening soon. Having millions of PP doesn't hurt anyone and causes no problems in the game.
  3. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    They do tend to build up over time don't they ?
  4. I recently won so many PP on Loot-o-matic and Shooting stars that I jumped from 1 mil to near 2 mil. :)

    Does anybody have any creative ideas what could be done with extra PP? Something like special PP lotery, where you use PP as tokens and can win - guess what - PP, of course. :)

    or we could have a PP fuelled train. You build the railway from PP, and then send the train and it boosts the production power when it goes around a production plant. :)

    Or play an ingame PP poker. For real money of course. :)
  5. you are lucky you can win that many i usually get decos and whats up with all the smily faces
  6. I got like 540 k in one, and then two more wins, so about 900 k all together. It's not luck really as I can produce enough of them. I'd rather have rare buildings permit or MM.
  7. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    I did suggest something like overtime on manufacturing facilities a while back to use more PP.
    Idea probably got dismissed for same "reasons" as the vanishing of x-presso.
    That is as creative as my brain gets!
    It took me a good month or 2 to go from 31m - to under 30m. Then I got some more shooting stars when they new levels came in, and up to nearly 34 million again.
    Too much is better than not enough, right?
  8. No not cc but how about turn pp/ep into mm?

    Any thoughts?

  9. I like this idea Thomas, though a 3 way swop would suit the vast majority of players as some tend to specialize in capilists others workers etc, there could be certain restrictions put in place ie only "x" amount to be swopped,exchanged on any 7 day period to stop ruining the game and maybe an upper and lower limit applied to all transaction.
    Positive food for thought for players and "BP".

    Mayor concretejungle
  10. Yea, a 3 way swap would be better
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