Wouldn`t it be nice

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by thesettingmoon, Apr 12, 2015.

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  1. just a thought... please feel free to add but make it reasonable... You can use this to complain OR point out things, little bugs that just annoy you or possibly suggest a new idea or feature
    like wouldn't it be nice if:-
    • drop items from events didn't hide behind things like unmovable sign post
    • you could interact with other cities - not just buying and selling on markets but helping too
    and yes...
    • the cineplex worked all the time
    city8936, captain123456 and RCgirl like this.
  2. RCgirl

    RCgirl User

    I agree with you that all those things would be nice :) I've got one thing to add myself, I think it would be really nice to have some new events more often so that we don't get the same things time and time again.
    city8936 and captain123456 like this.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    @thesettingmoon: the boulder item problem you noted is truly annoying until you discover (I was told by an experienced player) that most of these can be gotten at using the demolish tool (bulldozer icon, on the toolbar). I also see the spacing on the sign in the Mountains was adjusted since the last time this issue was discussed in forum, making it easier to get that annoying shrub that keeps spawning there.

    Would like to see the gifting function under the Friends tab actually do something...I would gladly help a starting player in a bind with a few PP or EP, etc.
    captain123456 and Andrewjf like this.
  4. Good Evening,

    Yes I think that would be nice and I agree with your idea. This idea is good also more people should think about it. :)

    Yours Sincerely,


    captain123456 | ID 9168786
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